Read more about the article Nazi Camp Guard Aged 99 Charged With Being Accessory To Murder Of More Than 3,300 Holocaust Victims
Photo shows prisoners in the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen, Germany in December, 1938. The camp was used from 1936 until April 1945. (Newsflash)

Nazi Camp Guard Aged 99 Charged With Being Accessory To Murder Of More Than 3,300 Holocaust Victims

A 99-year-old man could be the last former concentration camp guard to answer for the murder of thousands after he was changed with being an accessory to murder during the…

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Read more about the article Scottish Magpies Use Bird Repellent Pins To Build Nests And Guard From Other Birds
Photo shows a magpie nest made of anti-nesting spikes in a tree in Antwerp, Belgium, undated. Researchers from two Dutch natural history museums collected nests of a carrion crow and a Eurasian magpie that were largely built with material that should have deterred birds; bird nests made of anti-bird spikes. (Auke-Florian Hiemstra/Newsflash)

Scottish Magpies Use Bird Repellent Pins To Build Nests And Guard From Other Birds

Clever magpies have been found stealing bird-repellent barriers to help build and defend their nests in areas as far apart as Scotland, Holland and Belgium. The newly published Dutch study…

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Read more about the article Man Uses Hands To Free Tiny Bird Frozen By Feet To Metal Railing
Man warms kingfisher's frozen legs on iron railing in Aksu, Xinjiang in China, undated. The bird then flew away. (1860969153/AsiaWire)

Man Uses Hands To Free Tiny Bird Frozen By Feet To Metal Railing

This is the moment a kingfisher that probably landed on a metal railing with wet feet and got frozen to the metal was freed by a passing jogger. The tiny…

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Read more about the article How I Gave Communism The Kiss Off Says Berlin Wall Boss
Former East German border guard officer Harald Jaeger, 79, poses in undated photo. He disobeyed orders and opened the Bornholmer Street border crossing of the Berlin Wall on Nov. 9, 1989. (Newsflash)

How I Gave Communism The Kiss Off Says Berlin Wall Boss

A former East German Berlin Wall border guard officer has revealed how he went against orders to open the gates that led to the collapse of communism. Harald Jaeger -…

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Read more about the article Man Who Threw Paper Glider At Hiroshima Peace Memorial Could Face Fine And Jail
Picture shows the a paper airplane, undated. A man threw a paper airplane into the Hiroshima Victims Memorial Cenotaph, in Hiroshima, Japan, on Friday, Oct. 28, 2022. (Hiroshima City/CEN)

Man Who Threw Paper Glider At Hiroshima Peace Memorial Could Face Fine And Jail

Police in Japan are looking for a man who threw a paper aeroplane into the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. CCTV footage showed how a man launched the paper plane at the…

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