Read more about the article Antarctic’s ‘Stable’ Glaciers Are Melting From Below, New Study Shows
Image shows a sediment core from East Antarctica, undated photo. Polarstern will return to its porn in Bremerhaven, Germany, after a six-month-long Antarctic mission. (Alfred Wegener Institute, Lester Lembke-Jene/Newsflash)

Antarctic’s ‘Stable’ Glaciers Are Melting From Below, New Study Shows

Huge glaciers once thought to be stable in eastern Antarctica are melting from below as warmer water flows erode their roots, a new scientific study has revealed. The six-month study…

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Read more about the article Rising Temperatures May Cause Rockfalls In Alps, Says Study
Image shows rock glaciers which are widespread in the Alps, but less known than 'normal' glaciers, undated photo. The active Bock glacier in the Outer Hochebenkar is in the middle, while the Inner Hochebenkar with an inactive rock glacier is on the right. The Gurgler ridge is in the background. (3DGEO Heidelberg/Newsflash)

Rising Temperatures May Cause Rockfalls In Alps, Says Study

New research has shown that rising temperatures have made rock glaciers in the Alps unstable. The study, which was led by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OAeW), showed a significant…

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Read more about the article Swiss Glaciers Lose Half Their Volume In 85 Years, Study Shows
The Marjelenalp glacier in Switzerland, pictured in 2021. Scientists reconstructed the retreat of glaciers using historical photo material and came to the conclusion that the volume of the glaciers halved between 1931 and 2016, in Switzerland. (VAW, ETH Zurich/Newsflash)

Swiss Glaciers Lose Half Their Volume In 85 Years, Study Shows

Switzerland’s glaciers have decreased by around 50 per cent within 85 years - and are now melting at an even faster rate. Experts studied tens of thousands of period photographs…

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Read more about the article Polarstern Icebreaker Returns To Port After Arctic Research Amid Record Heatwaves
Scientists on the PS131 enter an ice floe in the ice edge zone north of Spitsbergen. The Polarstern was expected to arrive at the Lloyd Werft pier in Bremerhaven, Germany, on Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2022. (Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Vera Schlindwein/Newsflash)

Polarstern Icebreaker Returns To Port After Arctic Research Amid Record Heatwaves

The Polarstern icebreaker returned to port in Germany on Wednesday after spending 51 days conducting research in the Arctic amid record heatwaves this summer. The researchers were investigating how increasingly…

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