Read more about the article German City Introduces Pizza Box Recycling Bins To Combat Littering
Image shows a pizza box, undated photo. They were set in the city of Erfurt, Germany, in a bid to battle littering. (City Administration of Erfurt/Newsflash)

German City Introduces Pizza Box Recycling Bins To Combat Littering

A city in Germany has come up with a creative way to combat littering by introducing pizza recycling bins for the oversized boxes in several locations. The so-called Pizzaboxes were…

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Read more about the article Sea Soaked Up 50,000 Tonnes Of Russian Gas From Nord Stream Sabotage Blast, Says Study
The research vessel Skagerak near the site of the Nord Stream leaks, undated. A University of Gothenburg study found increased methane levels in the Southern Baltic Sea. (Olof Lonnehed, University of Gothenburg/Newsflash)

Sea Soaked Up 50,000 Tonnes Of Russian Gas From Nord Stream Sabotage Blast, Says Study

An astonishing 50,000 tonnes of methane unleashed by explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines that pumped Russian gas to the West was trapped in the Baltic Sea, say experts. Scientists…

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Read more about the article China’s Most Famous Scenic Waterfall Comes From Tap Water – Not Natural Mountain Springs
A pipe is seen at the top of Yuntaishan Waterfall, in Xiuwu County, China, undated. Authorities claim its there to help during dry season. (Farisvov/AsiaWire)

China’s Most Famous Scenic Waterfall Comes From Tap Water – Not Natural Mountain Springs

A scenic beauty spot has been accused of fraud after an enthusiastic climber wanted to go to the source and was shocked to discover a huge water pipe. The man…

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Read more about the article Antarctic’s ‘Stable’ Glaciers Are Melting From Below, New Study Shows
Image shows a sediment core from East Antarctica, undated photo. Polarstern will return to its porn in Bremerhaven, Germany, after a six-month-long Antarctic mission. (Alfred Wegener Institute, Lester Lembke-Jene/Newsflash)

Antarctic’s ‘Stable’ Glaciers Are Melting From Below, New Study Shows

Huge glaciers once thought to be stable in eastern Antarctica are melting from below as warmer water flows erode their roots, a new scientific study has revealed. The six-month study…

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Read more about the article Court Halts GBP 17 Million Surf Park Over Endangered Skylarks Last Seen 5 Years Ago
Image shows a design of the surf park in Stade, Lower Saxony State, Germany, undated photo. The EUR 20 million (GBP 17 million) project was stopped because of four endangered skylarks. (Newsflash)

Court Halts GBP 17 Million Surf Park Over Endangered Skylarks Last Seen 5 Years Ago

A GBP 17 million surf park plan has been scrapped after judges in Germany said it would destroy the habitat of two nesting pairs of endangered Eurasian skylarks. Although the…

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Read more about the article Sea Lion Rescued After Being Injured By Fishing Wire Wrapped Around Neck Returns To Sea
Picture shows the sea lion seriously injured by a fishing net in the Partido de la Costa, Argentina. The animal had a deep wound in its neck caused by a fragment of a fishing net. (Fundacion Mundo Marino/Newsflash)

Sea Lion Rescued After Being Injured By Fishing Wire Wrapped Around Neck Returns To Sea

A sea lion found horrifically injured with a fishing wire wrapped around its neck has been released back into the sea after a successful recovery. The animal was rescued by…

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