Adorable Red-Bellied Lemur Born At Spanish Zoo
This adorable footage shows a rare red-bellied lemur clinging to its parents shortly after its birth at a Spanish zoo. The species, whose scientific name is Eulemur rubriventer, is endemic…
This adorable footage shows a rare red-bellied lemur clinging to its parents shortly after its birth at a Spanish zoo. The species, whose scientific name is Eulemur rubriventer, is endemic…
Tracking of young emperor penguins in Antarctica has shown that they live about 373 miles further north than previously believed and stay far outside of their protected areas. The Alfred…
These critically-endangered birds are making a comeback in the Galapagos Islands. Experts from the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) and the Galapagos National Park Directorate who formed part of The Mangrove…
The world's oldest zoo in the Austrian capital Vienna has welcomed 30 rare baby fish that are extinct in the wild. These La Palma pupfish (Cyprinodon longidorsalis), which are extinct…
A new species of miniature orchid has been discovered in a Colombian national park. The tiny flower, found at Los Farallones de Cali National Nature Park in the Colombian department…