Read more about the article Stone Rocks Worshipped As Farm Gods Were Really Dinosaur Eggs
Photo shows people holding stone balls, worshipped as totems in Dhar, in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India, undated. They allegedly turned out to be fossilized dinosaur eggs. (CEN)

Stone Rocks Worshipped As Farm Gods Were Really Dinosaur Eggs

Stone balls worshipped for generations by a family in India have been revealed to be dinosaur eggs more than 70 million years old. The amazing discovery was made by chance…

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Read more about the article Live Toucan Eggs Found In Woman’s Bra Doing Well After Hatching At Zoo
Picture shows one of the birds, in November, 2023. Five were born from eggs found hidden in a passenger's bra at the airport, in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. (Parque das Aves/Newsflash)

Live Toucan Eggs Found In Woman’s Bra Doing Well After Hatching At Zoo

These images show some young toucans doing well six weeks after hatching after they were found in a woman's bra as she attempted to smuggle them through an airport in…

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Read more about the article Woman Seized Trafficking Toucan Eggs In Her Undies Faces Jail
Picture shows some of the five birds, undated. They were born from eggs found hidden in a passenger's bra at the airport, in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. (Parque das Aves/Newsflash)

Woman Seized Trafficking Toucan Eggs In Her Undies Faces Jail

A woman found trafficking eggs stashed in her bra is facing jail in Brazil after customs officials hatched out five toucan chicks from the haul. Police found seven eggs in…

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Read more about the article Swiss Zoo Boasts After Successfully Breeding The Most Poisonous Animal On The Planet
Image shows a mature golden poison frog, undated photo. The Zurich Zoo, Switzerland, boasted with new offspring on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023. (Zoo Zurich, Enzo Franchini/Newsflash)

Swiss Zoo Boasts After Successfully Breeding The Most Poisonous Animal On The Planet

A Swiss zoo has successfully bred the most poisonous animal on the planet, a yellow frog that is native to the Colombian rainforest. Experts at Zurich Zoo, in Switzerland, were…

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Read more about the article Ancient Ostrich Eggs Found At Prehistoric BBQ
Photo shows the flint finds uncovered during the excavation in the right tray and the Ostrich eggshell fragments in the left tray, undated. Ostrich eggs believed to be 4000-year-old were uncovered in the Negev in Israel. (Emil Aladjem, Israel Antiquities Authority/Newsflash)

Ancient Ostrich Eggs Found At Prehistoric BBQ

Ostrich eggs dating back up to 7,500 years have been found beside a prehistoric barbecue pit where a tribe of hunter-gatherers cooked giant omelettes. The astonishing desert discovery was made…

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Read more about the article Zebra Shark At Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium Had Pups Through Virgin Birth
The image shows the pups of a zebra shark that were born trough virgin birth at Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, Illinois, USA, undated. The fact that it was a virgin birth was confirmed via genetic testing which found that both the pups and the mother had the same genetic make-up. (Shedd Aquarium, Brenna Hernandez/Newsflash)

Zebra Shark At Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium Had Pups Through Virgin Birth

An endangered zebra shark has had a virgin birth in which the female fertilised the eggs with her own genetic material. The extremely rare occurrence, which is referred to as…

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Read more about the article Oldest Live Birth Of Snake Dating Back 47 Million Years Discovered
Image shows the Messel boa (Messelophis variatus) which is the world's first fossil record of a viviparous snake, undated photo. It was discovered by an Argentine-German research team. (Senckenberg/Newsflash)

Oldest Live Birth Of Snake Dating Back 47 Million Years Discovered

A team of scientists has discovered what they say is the first evidence in the world – dating back 47 million years – of a snake giving birth to its…

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