Read more about the article DNA Link Between Modern Vines And Fruit Named In Bible
Image shows ancient local grapevine seeds, undated photo. They were found in the Negev Desert, Israel. (Prof Guy Bar-Oz, The University of Haifa/Newsflash)

DNA Link Between Modern Vines And Fruit Named In Bible

Scientists have discovered a genetic link between modern grapes and varieties cultivated in Biblical times. The extraordinary discovery came as experts from Tel Aviv University and the University of Haifa…

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Read more about the article Stone Age CSI As DNA On Elk Tooth Pendant Reveals Woman Who Wore It
Image shows a pierced deer tooth discovered from Denisova Cave in southern Siberia that yielded ancient human DNA, undated photo. German scientists recovered an ancient woman's DNA from a 20,000-year-old pendant. (MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology/Newsflash)

Stone Age CSI As DNA On Elk Tooth Pendant Reveals Woman Who Wore It

A preserved Stone Age deer tooth pendant has revealed the identity of the woman who wore it after scientists extracted her DNA from the surface. The tooth - with a…

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Read more about the article People During Last Ice Age Who Sought Shelter In Spain And Portugal Survived Unlike Their Relatives In Italy
Image shows a reconstruction of a hunter gatherer associated with the Gravettian culture (32,000-24,000 years ago), undated photo. It was inspired by the archaeological findings at the Arene Candide site, in Italy. (Tom Bjoerklund/Newsflash)

People During Last Ice Age Who Sought Shelter In Spain And Portugal Survived Unlike Their Relatives In Italy

A new study has revealed that only hunter-gatherers who sought refuge in Spain and Portugal survived the last Ice Age 30,000 years ago. Using new DNA analysis of prehistoric human…

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Read more about the article Spanish Caveman Had Cousin 1,200 Miles Away
Image shows an overview of Cueva de Malalmuerzo, near the city of Granada, in southern Spain, undated photo. Researchers recovered genomic data from a 23,000-year-old individual who lived during the Ice Age. (Pedro Cantalejo/Newsflash)

Spanish Caveman Had Cousin 1,200 Miles Away

Scientists studying DNA from a 23,000-year-old caveman found in Spain have been astonished to discover he is related to humans found 1,200 miles away. The genetic material was extracted from…

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Read more about the article City Fells Over 100 Trees So Lizards Can Sunbathe
Picture shows a Common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis), undated. In Stuttgart, Germany, 106 trees have to be cut down because lizards need a place to sunbathe in a substitute habitat created for the protection of the species. (Newsflash)

City Fells Over 100 Trees So Lizards Can Sunbathe

City officials have felled more than 100 trees so that a colony of lizards can get enough sun, it has emerged. The lizards - common wall lizards, or Podarcis muralis…

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Read more about the article Neanderthal Dad And Daughter Unearthed
Image shows a Neandertal father and his daughter, undated photo. Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in the city of Leipzig, Germany analysed genomes of 13 Neanderthals. (Tom Bjorklund/Newsflash)

Neanderthal Dad And Daughter Unearthed

Remains of the first-ever Neanderthal family have been discovered in a cave in Russia 54,000 years after they lived. Scientists using DNA analysis unearthed a father, his teenage daughter, what…

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Read more about the article Boy Finds Human Skeleton In The Surf
Picture shows human bones removed from the water at Ponta Negra Beach, in Manaus, Brazil, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022. The bones will be sent to the Legal Medical Institute to be examined, it is speculated that the victim is a man because it had male shorts on. (CEN)

Boy Finds Human Skeleton In The Surf

This is the chilling moment a human skeleton is dragged out of shallow waters onto a beach in Mexico after it was discovered by a child. DNA testing is currently…

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Read more about the article Study Suggests Mercenaries May Have Helped Ancient Greeks Turn The Tide Of War Against Carthaginians
Picture shows a mass grave from the battle of Himera in 409 BC, undated. Genomes from the remains reveal the genetic diversity of the soldiers. (University of Vienna/Newsflash)

Study Suggests Mercenaries May Have Helped Ancient Greeks Turn The Tide Of War Against Carthaginians

Researchers have discovered that mercenaries may have helped Greeks battle Carthaginians in Sicily over 2,500 years ago. DNA analysis of 54 bodies found in mass graves revealed that a decent…

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Read more about the article Scientists Create World’s Largest Chimp DNA Genome From Poop
Given the almost complete absence of chimpanzee fossils, the genetic information from current populations is crucial for describing their evolutionary history, according to German and Spanish scientists. (Pixabay/Newsflash)

Scientists Create World’s Largest Chimp DNA Genome From Poop

An international team of experts has compiled the world's largest wild chimp genomic catalogue by sequencing DNA found in hundreds of samples of ape poo. The team was led by…

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Read more about the article Scientists Develop Honey-Based Bee DNA Test To Monitor Hive Health
Illustrative image: Honeybee harvesting pollen and carrying it to its pollen basket. (Yannis Varouhakis (

Scientists Develop Honey-Based Bee DNA Test To Monitor Hive Health

Scientists have developed an innovative method to examine DNA traces in honey which could help with the early identification of health problems in a hive as a deadly new disease…

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