Read more about the article Meet Brave Girl, 9, Who Has Had Over 100 Operations In Battle To Beat Cancer
Samira, aged, 9, from the town of Pfungstadt, Hesse State, Germany, poses in undated photo. She underwent 115 operations in a period of eight months. (GoFundMe/Newsflash)

Meet Brave Girl, 9, Who Has Had Over 100 Operations In Battle To Beat Cancer

This picture shows the incredibly brave nine-year-old girl who has endured more than 100 major surgeries and is determined to beat her cancer diagnosis so she can grow up and…

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Read more about the article After Fighting Off Cancer Seven Times Boy Faces Trial Therapy
Nathanael, 13, poses in undated photo. The boy from the town of Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony State, Germany, suffers from a malignant brain tumor. (Newsflash)

After Fighting Off Cancer Seven Times Boy Faces Trial Therapy

The family of a teenage boy, who has fought off cancer seven times in a decade has told how they're pinning their hopes on a radical new treatment to kill…

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Read more about the article Cancer Girl Learning To Run Again After Surgeons Amputated Her Leg
Image shows Katja Pschait, 27, from the municipality of Gralla, Styria State, Austria, undated photo. Her leg was amputated on Dec. 7, 2020. (Newsflash)

Cancer Girl Learning To Run Again After Surgeons Amputated Her Leg

A woman who had to have her leg amputated after a freak accident in a nightclub triggered cancer has told how she is learning to run again. Brave Katja Pschait-…

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Read more about the article Boy, 9, Sells Two Chickens For USD 12,000 To Help With Four-Year-Old Brother’s Cancer Treatment
Photo shows Cashton Purkapile, 4, undated. Cashton, from Rock County, Wisconsin, USA, was diagnosed with cancer. (GoFundMe/Newsflash)

Boy, 9, Sells Two Chickens For USD 12,000 To Help With Four-Year-Old Brother’s Cancer Treatment

A nine-year-old boy has raised USD 12,000 by selling two chickens to help with his four-year-old brother's cancer treatment. Cashton Purkapile, 4, of Janesville, a city in Rock County, in…

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Read more about the article Bee Venom Study Hints Breast Cancer Treatment Prospect
The venom of wild bees such as the violet carpenter bee (Xylocopa violacea), with its main component melittin, is less aggressive than that of honey bees, a team from the LOEWE Center TBG discovered, undated photo. In the future, it could be used against breast cancer cells, among other things. (Bjrn M. von Reumont/Newsflash)

Bee Venom Study Hints Breast Cancer Treatment Prospect

The venomous substance produced by one of the most common wild bee species could help to treat breast cancer, according to scientists in Germany. Researchers at Goethe University and the…

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Read more about the article Experts Grow New 3D-Printed Nose On Woman’s Arm After She Lost Hers To Cancer
Picture shows a reconstruction of the patient's nose from biomaterial that was implanted in her forearm. The nose was able to be transplanted in the nasal region successfully with a creation of a connection between blood vessels. (Toulouse University Hospital/Newsflash)

Experts Grow New 3D-Printed Nose On Woman’s Arm After She Lost Hers To Cancer

Experts in France have grown a woman a new 3D-printed nose on her forearm after she lost hers to cancer. Newsflash obtained a statement from the Toulouse University Hospital in…

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Read more about the article Modern Human Brains Less Error-Prone Than Neanderthals, Says Study
Visualization of fewer chromosome segregation errors in modern human in contrast to Neanderthal neural stem cells in an undated photo. German researchers discovered differences in the development of Neanderthal and modern human brains, as of Friday, July 29, 2022. (Felipe Mora-Bermudez, MPI-CBG/Newsflash)

Modern Human Brains Less Error-Prone Than Neanderthals, Says Study

Modern human brains make fewer mistakes than those of Neanderthals despite being of similar size, scientists in Germany have found. Researchers from the German Max Planck Institute have discovered that…

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Read more about the article Cancer Cells Thrive In Body’s Sweet Spots, Says Study
University of Minnesota Twin Cities engineers have discovered that cancer cells invade the body based on their environment. The discovery provides new understanding of how cancer spreads and can improve future treatments. (David Odde Laboratory, University of Minnesota/Newsflash)

Cancer Cells Thrive In Body’s Sweet Spots, Says Study

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Cancer researchers have discovered how mutated cells can sense the Goldilocks sweet spots in a human body. Led by the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, an international group of researchers…

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Read more about the article New Pioneering Technique Uses Sound Waves To Blast Cancer Cells That Dont Come Back
The 700kHz, 260-element histotripsy ultrasound array transducer used in Prof. Xu’s lab. (Marcin Szczepanski, Michigan Engineering/Newsflash)

New Pioneering Technique Uses Sound Waves To Blast Cancer Cells That Dont Come Back

A new pioneering technique developed at the University of Michigan can blast tumours in a non-invasive way, with experts saying that in 80 percent of cases, they do not grow…

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Read more about the article People Eat One Credit Cards Worth of Plastic Trash a Week Says Study
Entrance area of ​​the medical university campus and the Vienna General Hospital in the Austrian capital of Vienna. (MedUni Wien, AKH Wien, Houdek/Newsflash)

People Eat One Credit Cards Worth of Plastic Trash a Week Says Study

People are eating the equivalent of one credit card every week in their diet, a new study into the effects of plastic particles on human health has revealed. The particles…

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