Read more about the article Ancient Graveyard With Bodies Wrapped In Tree Bark Found Beneath Burned Down Church
Photo shows a burial in a birch bark bundle on the territory of the burnt Uspenskaya church in Kondopoga, Republic of Karelia, Russia, undated. Archaeologists discovered an intact necropolis. (Institute of Archeology of RAS/Newsflash)

Ancient Graveyard With Bodies Wrapped In Tree Bark Found Beneath Burned Down Church

An ancient graveyard with bodies buried wrapped in ritual birch bark has been unearthed by archaeologists under a burned-down church in Russia. The cemetery, which dates back to the 1100s,…

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Read more about the article Fawn Horrifically Burned During Wildfires In Sardinia That Was Expected Never to Walk Again Stands On Her Own
Lussurzesa, a fawn that survived the fire that in the province of Oristano, Italy, in August, 2021.

Fawn Horrifically Burned During Wildfires In Sardinia That Was Expected Never to Walk Again Stands On Her Own

A baby fawn that survived the wildfires in Sardinia has become a symbol of local determination to overcome the devastation caused by the blaze. Given the name Lussurzesa, the young…

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Read more about the article Russian Mum With Badly-Burned Face Builds New Life With Hubby And Daughter
Picture shows Anya Boldyreva, 30, from the small village of Zhuravka in the Russian region of Voronezh who suffered severe burns to her face when a fire broke out at home when she was only seven months old.

Russian Mum With Badly-Burned Face Builds New Life With Hubby And Daughter

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A young woman who was put on display to raise cash by her grandmother after her face was horrifically burned in a house blaze when she was a baby is…

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