
Story by Ajda Ender

The world needs an age of rebirth and enlightenment.

The dark mentality in America, Europe and the whole world needs to be transformed into a bright mentality.

World societies where sexist hate crimes and racism are widespread need to be renewed mentally and behaviorally.

Gender equality should be ensured by making a renaissance in the world societies dominated by heteropatriarchy.

The dominance of racist and sexist mentality in America and all over the world shows that there should be mental and behavioral education in human rights.

Hate speech and hate thoughts need to be transformed into thoughts that respect human rights.

The hate mentality, the enemy mentality puts the world’s societies back.

The progress of world societies is possible with a language that respects human rights, with thoughts and behaviors that respect human rights.

People should live in social life equality in world societies that are in social inequalities.

The Renaissance must be done in all areas of society in all world societies.

The social and life rights of Trans Women, LGBTI Individuals and Women should be protected in world societies.

There is a need for a renaissance in the protection of the human rights of Trans Women, LGBTI Individuals and Women in the world’s societies.

Gender rights, human rights need to be reborn.

In world societies dominated by the slave mentality, gender inequality and racism want to create social slaves.

The life rights of Trans Women, LGBTI Individuals and Women, which heteropatriarchy strives to shape and enslave in world societies, must be reborn with a libertarian mentality.

Rebirth is possible by breaking the chains of the slave mentality.

The chains of dark minds will be broken by educated bright minds.

Our language should be the language of human rights against the language of hatred against the language of the dark minds.

We will speak the language of human rights against hate speech.

Sexist hate crimes, racism is the reactionary behavior of the dark mentality.

The progressive contemporary mentality will be a renaissance in world societies.

Progressive thoughts and bright thoughts will shed light on the darkness in world societies.

The new bright life is possible by breaking the chains of dark minds.

Rebirth all over the world is possible with thoughts that respect human rights and with behaviors that respect human rights.

The new enlightened life is possible with enlightened minds enlightening the society.

There will be a renaissance in human rights when the gender, race, religion, language and life of people all over the world are respected.

There will be a renaissance when people’s life, shelter, health and social rights are respected in America, Europe and societies all over the world.

Dark mindsets will become bright mindsets with human rights education.

There must be a rebirth in respect for human rights.

The Renaissance is fearlessness.

Renaissance is the new enlightened life.

Renaissance is rebirth.

Renaissance is courage.

Renaissance is new life

Renaissance is the new enlightened life.


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