Rare Loggerhead Sea Turtle Harpooned In Neck With Trident Tip

This endangered loggerhead sea turtle has been saved by vets after it was harpooned in the neck with a trident tip.

The injured turtle was spotted with the trident wedged in its neck by coastguards in the district of Finike in the southern Turkish city of Antalya.

It is unclear how long the tip had been stuck in the sea turtle’s neck, but it appeared to have rusted and the pole was missing.

Experts at the Sea Turtles Research, Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (DEKAMER) brought the reptile to their facilities in the district of Ortaca in the south-western Turkish city of Mugla.

The Coast Guard commander told DEKAMER officials that the sea turtle, which is listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), was critically injured and on the verge of death.

Credit: Newsflash
Caretta Caretta shot in the head with a harpoon was treated by the vets

DEKAMER project manager Prof. Dr. Yakup Kaska branded the apparent harpooning as “deplorable” and praised coastguard officials for keeping the turtle alive until it could be treated by vet Fevzi Uzun.

DEKAMER spokesman Kerem Gokdag, who helped in the operation to rescue the turtle, said: “When we got the call, we quickly went to Finike. We could see that the turtle had a harpoon tip on the nape of its neck.

“The trident was removed in a one-hour operation. It was very touch-and-go whether the turtle would survive. The tip was in the spinal cord and a large vein, but fortunately, it was removed without any problems and the turtle is now recovering well.”

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Story By: Feza Uzay, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency:  Newsflash

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