Mutant Calf With Two Heads, Six Legs And Two Tails Born In Turkey

This mutant newborn calf with two heads, six legs and two tails has been born in Turkey.

The strange creature was stillborn in the rural neighbourhood of Bahcearasi in the district of Cine in the province of Aydin in the early hours of Sunday, 7th November.

The incident took place when Erdem Celik, 38, noticed that one of his cows had gone into labour and was having difficulty giving birth.

The calf which was born dead by caesarean section, had two heads, six feet, two tails and a double spine in Aydin, Turkey.

He called veterinarian Huseyin Aynur, who came to his farm at around 2 am with technician Selim Gokcen to assist with the delivery.

The professionals suspected the cow was pregnant with twins and, convinced that a normal birth would not be possible, decided to perform a caesarian section.

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The procedure lasted some two hours, and all three men were shocked when the mutant creature came out stillborn.

The calf was born with two heads, four front legs and two back legs, two tails, and a double spine.

Though Erdem Celik thought at least one of the conjoined animals was alive at the beginning of the birth, by the time it was over, both were dead.

The calf which was born dead by caesarean section, had two heads, six feet, two tails and a double spine in Aydin, Turkey.

The corpse was taken to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Adnan Menderes University in the district of Efeler in the same province for a necropsy.

Experts believe the calves were stillborn conjoined as the result of a rare genetic abnormality.

They hope their research will allow them to inform the cows’ owner of any issues with his herd that he may need to pay attention to.

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Story By: Feza Uzay, Sub-Editor: Joe Golder, Agency:  Newsflash

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