This is the incredible moment an ‘AirCar’ lowers its wings, drives along a runway and takes off into the sky before safely landing again.
The fifth-generation flying car carried out the test run at Piesťany Airport in the Slovakian town of the same name at the end of October.
AirCar (V5) turns into an aircraft from a road vehicle in under three minutes with just the click of a button, according to its designer Professor Stefan Klein in a statement to Newsflash.
The vehicle is produced by research and development company Klein Vision who said they wanted to make Professor Klein’s brainchild come to life.
Professor Klein successfully completed two flights at the Slovakian airport at the end of October.
Klein Vision posted footage of the test on YouTube on 27th October where it has gone viral with 2.5 million views.
The two-seat AirCar weighs 1,100 kilogrammes with a further load capacity of 200 kilogrammes per flight.
The nifty flying car is powered by a BMW 1.6l engine and boasts a power output of 140HP.
AirCar can reportedly travel up to 1,000 kilometres with an estimated fuel consumption rate of 18 l/h, reaching speeds of up to 200kph.

Professor Stefan Klein, Klein Vision’s CTO and test pilot, told Newsflash: “The key flight parameters confirmed all theoretical concepts and calculations that the development of the AirCar was based on.
“Following the completion of all required flight tests in compliance with EASA regulations, we will deliver a model with a certified ADEPT, 300HP engine within the next 6 next months.”
Klein Vision’s co-founder and pilot Anton Zajac added: “With AirCar, you will arrive at your destination without the hassle of getting a ride to airport and passing through commercial security.
“You can drive your AirCar to the golf course, the office, the shopping centre or your hotel, and park it in a normal parking space.”

The latest generation of flying car developed by KleinVision company that transforms from road vehicle into air vehicle in less than 3-minutes The latest generation of flying car developed by KleinVision company that transforms from road vehicle into air vehicle in less than 3-minutes
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Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash
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