A giant panda living at a Russian zoo gave birth to her first-ever cub and the first-ever baby panda to be born in the country, it has emerged.
Phone footage shows the new mum – named Ding Ding – tending to her cub that was born at 150 grammes and whose gender is not yet known.
The baby was reportedly born at Moscow Zoo on 24th August and is the first panda to be born in Russia, according to the Chinese Giant Panda Conservation and Research Centre.
It is understood both Ding Ding and her newborn are safe and in good health.
Ding Ding’s pregnancy was announced shortly after she and the male panda, named Ru Yi, were moved to live together at the zoo in the Russian capital.
Ding Ding and Ru Yi will reportedly be living at the zoo for 15 years as part of a joint research project between the two countries.
The two were transferred from China back in June 2019 during a special ceremony that was attended both by Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The two pandas successfully mated on 18th April, the research centre said.
Ding Ding’s condition was closely monitored by both Chinese and Russian experts to ensure a healthy delivery.
The research centre said Ding Ding has a strong sense of motherhood and nursed the cub herself.
The mayor of Moscow, Sergey Sobyanin, said in a statement the cub’s birth holds significant meaning for both Russia and the global nature conservation community.
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Story By: Simona Kitanovska, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Asia Wire Report
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