An ice cream parlour’s new flavour called ‘Hmm’ is giving rivals a licking in southern Germany.
The creation is said to be named after how customers react when they have to choose between the dozens of flavours on offer at the parlour in Gaggenau, Baden-Wuerttemberg State.
Boss Alessandro Cimino launched the new taste at his Rimini Cafe this month.
He explained: “A group of school children recently turned up.
“One lad just could not make up his mind. He just kept saying ‘hmm’ and ‘erm’ as the queue got longer and longer.
“That’s how I got the idea.”
Alessandro – whose cafe has more than 18,000 social media followers – would only describe the taste as white chocolate with crunchy pistachio nut pieces.
He said: “I wanted to create a flavour which appeals to young and old.
“Children love ice cream in flashy unusual colours such as blue and red.
“But I doubt that their parents would have opted for such a creation themselves.”
He concluded: “Everyone loves creamy white chocolate.”
The hype about the flavour’s name – ‘Aehm’ in German – has reportedly sent sales soaring despite grim summer weather dominated by rain and wind.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, they raised eyebrows by offering an ‘Anti-Virus’ flavour while their ‘Anti-Hangover’ creation is a bestseller during carnival season.
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