Bishop Blames Homosexuality And Abortion For COVID

This Mexican bishop has said that the coronavirus pandemic is God’s punishment for “euthanasia, abortions, homosexuality and gender identity”.

Ramon Castro Castro, the Bishop of Cuernavaca in the central Mexican state of Morelos, made the controversial comments during a mass celebrated in the city’s cathedral.

Speaking about the COVID-19 pandemic, he said it is “a scream from God to humanity in the face of social disorder, abortion, violence, corruption, euthanasia and homosexuality”, local media reported.

He added: “With coronavirus, whether we want or not, we stop. In so many countries they have been forced to stop, in Europe, in the United States, in China, by law, everything is closed, except pharmacies and markets.”

The bishop invited churchgoers to meditate over the virus and to think that it is a “blow from God so that humanity reacts.

“Corruption, violence, robberies, we are getting used to these things. Euthanasia: I am tired of suffering, it is better to be killed. Let’s make children wait to find out what gender they want to be, a boy can decide if he wants to be a girl, or a girl can decide if she wants to be a boy. God would probably think: one moment, we are going towards a cliff”.

The bishop said that humans were playing God with abortions, adding: “It is interesting how a virus says to humanity you are weak, you are vulnerable, none of your money, power nor success will help you out, do not play God, do not determine who should live or not”.

Mexico has suffered 405 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with five deaths according to the latest data from the Johns Hopkins University.

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Story By: Ana LacasaSub-EditorJoseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash

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