Read more about the article Launch Of Suicide Capsule Cancelled Over US Patient’s Mental Health Issues
Image shows the Sarco suicide pod, undated photo. The Canton of Schaffhausen, in Switzerland, has banned its usage. (Sarco/Newsflash)

Launch Of Suicide Capsule Cancelled Over US Patient’s Mental Health Issues

A planned launch of the space-age death pod dubbed the 'Tesla Of Euthanasia' has been scrapped in Switzerland. Suicide expert Philip Nitschke, 76, dubbed Dr Death, revealed on 28th July,…

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Read more about the article Prosecutors Ban ‘Tesla Of Euthanasia’ Killing Pod
Image shows the Sarco suicide pod, undated photo. The Canton of Schaffhausen, in Switzerland, has banned its usage. (Sarco/Newsflash)

Prosecutors Ban ‘Tesla Of Euthanasia’ Killing Pod

A space-age death pod dubbed the 'Tesla Of Euthanasia' has been banned by prosecutors in Switzerland. The 3D-printed Sarco pod can kill occupants at the press of a button, flooding…

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Read more about the article Tapirs Flee Ukrainian Zoo Where Three Keepers Have Died And Animals Face Euthanasia Or Starvation
A zoo worker evacuated Ukraine's only family of tapirs, a rare mammal that has lived on Earth for 20 million years, from Kharkiv on 2nd April 2022. (@FeldmanEcopark/Newsflash)

Tapirs Flee Ukrainian Zoo Where Three Keepers Have Died And Animals Face Euthanasia Or Starvation

These three unusual refugees have managed to flee their destroyed Ukrainian home to safety in the back of a van. A brave Ukrainian zookeeper managed to ferry the only family…

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Read more about the article Historic Colombian Euthanasia Decision Reversed Leaving Mother Suffering Degenerative Disease In Limbo
Martha Sepulveda, a 51-year-old woman, who has suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) for almost three years will be the first patient with a non-terminal illness to undergo euthanasia in Colombia, on 10th October. (Newsflash)

Historic Colombian Euthanasia Decision Reversed Leaving Mother Suffering Degenerative Disease In Limbo

The Colombian woman who had made her peace with death and was preparing to become the country's first non-terminal patient to be euthanised has had her appointment cancelled at the…

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Read more about the article 118 French MPs Put Forward Bill To Legalise Euthanasia As 1,000s Battle Painful COVID Deaths
Jean-Louis Touraine member of the French National Assembly who submitted a bill to the Assembly for the right to "medical assistance in dying"

118 French MPs Put Forward Bill To Legalise Euthanasia As 1,000s Battle Painful COVID Deaths

Over 100 French MPs have put forward a proposal to legalise euthanasia in France. The law proposition that has been put before the French parliament as thousands battle COVID-19, often…

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