Donald Trump Jr’s rural Spanish hunting hosts claim he is “very nice” and has “nothing to do with the angry and serious face we are used to seeing in the media”.
The 41-year-old stayed at a country house called Camino de la Fuentona and reportedly arrived with a 17-person detail of security personnel, including members of the United States Secret Service.
The house is owned by Oscar Soto, and his wife Monica told Central European News (CEN): “He is very nice, nothing to do with the angry and serious face we are used to seeing in the media, he is always smiling and was very kind and nice.”
In an interview with CEN, Oscar Soto revealed that Trump Jr insisted guests take off their muddy shoes when walking into the rental home and the owner told CEN: “The people were exceptional, you cannot imagine, very close and well-mannered, and the detail of taking off their muddy boots and going upstairs to their room so as not to get everything dirty says it all.”
“People from the secret service even played around with our kid.”
He added that a hunting company had contacted him to let him know Trump wanted to stay at his house before the secret service contacted him and “checked all the rooms” during a visit before the president’s son arrived.
Soto told CEN: “They ate everything we recommended, meatballs with mushrooms and truffle, everything from the land, they went with the flow.
“I feel I was lucky to have had them here and as it was a private trip, they paid the bills.”
The owner told reporters that Trump had spoken with him in Spanish and added: “He loves nature, they spent hours and hours in the mountains, and it was a bad weekend because of the weather conditions, with hailstones and snow.”
Donald Trump Jr, the American President’s eldest son, stayed at a rural house in the province of Soria, in the north-central Spanish region of Castile and Leon whilst on his hunting trip.
The President’s son was hunting on a 3,128-hectare private property near Muriel de la Fuente, according to sources from the subdelegation of the government of the province.
Local media reported that the US President’s eldest son has travelled to Spain several times in recent months for hunting. In November 2018 he visited the Gredos mountain, in Avila, and six months earlier he visited Teruel, in the Aragon region.
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Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News