Read more about the article Bug Boffins Find Missing Link Wasp In 100-Million-Year-Old Amber
Image shows the 100-million-year-old wasp, undated photo. It was preserved in a small piece of amber from Myanmar. (MDPI/Newsflash)

Bug Boffins Find Missing Link Wasp In 100-Million-Year-Old Amber

Bug experts in Germany and France have unearthed a missing link wasp species trapped in a piece of amber around 100 million years ago that was found in Myanmar. Entomologists…

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Read more about the article Alien Invader Wasp Threatens North America’s Forests With Females Capable Of Producing 1,000 Offspring
Sirex noctilio, also known as the Sirex woodwasp. (Flora Krivak-Tetley/Newsflash)

Alien Invader Wasp Threatens North America’s Forests With Females Capable Of Producing 1,000 Offspring

A superwasp able to produce 1,000 offspring is threatening vast forests in North America's, a new study has revealed. The Sirex woodwasp lays its eggs on pine trees in a…

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Read more about the article Terrifying Footage Of Huge Wasp Nest Woman Returned Home To Find On Bedroom Ceiling
Giant wasp nest inside house in Niquelandia, Goias in Brazil. (@bombeirosniquelandia/Newsflash)

Terrifying Footage Of Huge Wasp Nest Woman Returned Home To Find On Bedroom Ceiling

This terrifying footage shows a gigantic nest crawling with wasps on a woman's bedroom ceiling after returning from long hospital visit. The unnamed resident of the property in the rural…

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Read more about the article Parasitic Wasp Discovered That Can Only Grow If It Feasts On Other Parasites
Perilampus wasp discovered in UAE and Yemen. "reproduced with permission from the copyright holder".

Parasitic Wasp Discovered That Can Only Grow If It Feasts On Other Parasites

A Canadian scientist has discovered a new, "hyperparasitic" wasp in the Middle East whose larvae burrow into caterpillars and can only emerge as a fully-grown wasp if it finds another…

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