Read more about the article West Antarctica Was Forest For Millions Of Years Longer Than Previously Thought
Image shows rendered graphic of the MARUM-MeBo70, undated photo. It can be seen landing on the seabed of the Amundsen Sea. (MARUM, Martin Kuensting/Newsflash)

West Antarctica Was Forest For Millions Of Years Longer Than Previously Thought

Climate scientists say West Antarctica was ice-free for millions of years longer than previously thought and the big freeze probably only happened 7 million years later. An international team of…

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Read more about the article Hungry Giraffes Gobble Up Favourite Tree Snacks
Image shows a giraffe at the Schoenbrunn Zoo, in Vienna, Austria, undated photo. The giraffes were given fresh leaves to munch on, on May 14. 2024. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

Hungry Giraffes Gobble Up Favourite Tree Snacks

Hungry giraffes live the high life as they neck down branchfuls of their favourite leafy treats. Keepers at Schoenbrunn Zoo, Vienna, laid on branches of freshly chainsawed beech, oak, willow,…

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Read more about the article Man Discovers American World War II Grenade While Picking Mushrooms In German Forest
Image shows an American World War II hand grenade, undated photo. It was discovered by a mushroom collector in a forest area in the municipality of Gleichen, in Lower Saxony, Germany in October 2022. (Polizeiinspektion Gottingen/Newsflash)

Man Discovers American World War II Grenade While Picking Mushrooms In German Forest

A man has discovered an American World War II hand grenade while picking mushrooms in a German forest. The incident took place in the municipality of Gleichen, in the district…

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Read more about the article Scientists Say Tundra Could Be Lost In 30 Years As Trees Take Over
Aerial photo of open Northern forest on the Taymyr Peninsula, Siberia, (proximity of the river Chatanga), consisting of larches. In some parts of this area the trees are growing in dense formations, in others one can see just very few trees. (Stefan Kruse/Newsflash)

Scientists Say Tundra Could Be Lost In 30 Years As Trees Take Over

The unique vegetation of the tundra could disappear by the year 2050 if no substantial reduction of global warming is achieved, scientists have warned. Experts at the Alfred Wegener Institute’s…

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Read more about the article Study Warns Amazon Is Near Tipping Point Of Transitioning From Rainforest To Savanna
A picture of the Amazon rainforest. (Ivars Utinans, Unsplash/Newsflash)

Study Warns Amazon Is Near Tipping Point Of Transitioning From Rainforest To Savanna

Researchers analysing changes in vegetation biomass have warned that the Amazon rainforest risks transitioning to savanna, with dire consequences for global warming. The vast Amazon rainforest covers 2,100,000 square miles…

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