Read more about the article World’s Oldest Worker’s 102nd Birthday Bash
Oldest employee in the world receives surprise party from co-workers at age 102 in Brusque, Brazil. He has worked at the same company for 86 years. (RenauxView/Newsflash)

World’s Oldest Worker’s 102nd Birthday Bash

The workmates of the world's oldest salesman spring a surprise party to celebrate his 102nd birthday. Walter Orthmann is down in the Guinness World Records book as the employee with…

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Read more about the article OBITUARY: Shantanu Newshound
Shantanu Guha Ray receiving an award in January 2014. Shantanu was the New Delhi-based Asia editor for Central European News for more than a decade until his recent death. (Newsflash)

OBITUARY: Shantanu Newshound

News agencies are often seen as stepping stones to bigger careers, but for Shantanu Guha Ray, who had already worked for some of the biggest names in the business, working…

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Read more about the article New Species Of Ancient Giant Turtle Named After Stephen King Character
Photo shows the visualization of the newly discovered giant tortoise, Peltocephalus maturin, undated. It was named after the giant tortoise Maturin, a fictional character by best-selling author Stephen King. (University of Tuebingen/Newsflash)

New Species Of Ancient Giant Turtle Named After Stephen King Character

A newly discovered species of ancient giant turtle has been named after Stephen King's fictional character Maturin, a giant turtle who created the universe. The remains of the huge prehistoric…

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Read more about the article KFC-Mad Japanese Entomb Statue Of Colonel Sanders In Shrine
Photo shows the statue of the KFC founder, Colonel Sanders, undated. The statue that was thrown into Dotonbori River, has been given a final farewell in March, 2024. (Newsflash)

KFC-Mad Japanese Entomb Statue Of Colonel Sanders In Shrine

A life-size plastic statue of KFC's Colonel Sanders has been entombed in a shrine in Japan 39 years after it was thrown in a river by a baseball team's fans.…

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Read more about the article 2,000 Mummified Rams’ Heads Unearthed In Ancient Egyptian Temple
Mummified ram heads are uncovered by an American mission during excavation work at the temple of Rameses II in Abydos, Egypt, undated. The Mummified heads date back to the time of the sixth dynasty in Ptolemaic Egypt. (Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities/Newsflash)

2,000 Mummified Rams’ Heads Unearthed In Ancient Egyptian Temple

Archaeologists have uncovered more than 2,000 ancient mummified ram heads slaughtered in tribute to legendary Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II. The heads were unearthed in Abydos near the temple of the…

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Read more about the article Mummified Fertility Crocs Found In Ancient Egyptian Tomb
Photo shows ten crocodile mummies in an undisturbed tomb in Qubbat al-Hawa, Aswan, Egypt. They were discovered in 2019, undated photo. (Patricia Mora Riudavets/Newsflash)

Mummified Fertility Crocs Found In Ancient Egyptian Tomb

A 2,500-year-old tomb with ten mummified crocodiles unearthed near the Nile was probably a tribute to an ancient Egyptian fertility god, experts have revealed. Experts say the mummified reptiles were…

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Read more about the article Artist’s Day Of The Dead Grave For Gran Goes Viral
Picture shows the finished painting on the grave of Luis Francisco Novelo Braga, in Mexico, undated. The man is originally from Yucatan, Mexico and decorated the grave for the upcoming Day of the Dead. (@luisfrancisco.novelobraga/Newsflash)

Artist’s Day Of The Dead Grave For Gran Goes Viral

An artist who turned his grandmother's grave into a tribute for Mexico's Day of the Dead has become a viral hit on social media. Luis Francisco Novelo Braga, from Yucatan…

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Read more about the article Breathing Exhibition With Tribute To George Floyd
Image shoes an art piece named "IN MEMORIAM", undated photo. (Stadel Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Eigentum des Stadelschen Museums-Vereins e.V./Newsflash)

Breathing Exhibition With Tribute To George Floyd

A museum has opened the world's first-ever large-scale exhibition dedicated to breathing, including a special tribute to George Floyd. A tribute to Floyd will show how his last words "I…

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