Read more about the article Sour Krauts’ Sausage Case Thrown Out By Court
Image shows the Mini Rostbratwuerstchen (Mini Grilled Sausages), undated photo. A German Sausage Association sued a producer at the civil court in Munich, Bavaria State, Germany, for trademark violation. (Newsflash)

Sour Krauts’ Sausage Case Thrown Out By Court

Sausage makers in Germany who sued claiming rivals had stolen their bangers' identity were telling porkies, judges in Munich have ruled. A collective of craft bratwurst makers in Nuremberg claimed…

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Read more about the article Docs And Pharmacists In Court Over Plot To Help Anti-Vaxxers
Picture shows district court in Landeck, Austria, undated. Two pharmacists and two doctors were accused of administering saline solutions instead of real Covid vaccines in the fall of 2021. (GoogleMaps/Newsflash)

Docs And Pharmacists In Court Over Plot To Help Anti-Vaxxers

Doctors and pharmacists who injected COVID-19 vaccine dodgers with a saline solution instead of Pfizer have escaped jail in Austria. The four health workers drew up a list headed with…

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Read more about the article Met Tec To Give Evidence For Prime Suspect Christian Brueckner
Image shows the Braunschweig District Court, Germany, undated photo. Christian Brueckner, 47, is on trial for allegedly kidnapping and murdering Maddie McCann in Portugal in 2007. (Newsflash)

Met Tec To Give Evidence For Prime Suspect Christian Brueckner

A Scotland Yard officer from the investigation to find Madeleine McCann's killer is to give evidence in defence of prime suspect Christian Brueckner in a shocking court twist. Detective Constable…

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Read more about the article Cardiologist At Europe’s Biggest Hospital In Berlin Faces Life Behind Bars After ‘Euthanising’ Seriously ill Patients
Image shows Europe's largest university hospital, the Charite Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, in Germany, undated photo. Dr Gunther Schmidt, 56, faces a life sentence after allegedly murdering two patients. (Newsflash)

Cardiologist At Europe’s Biggest Hospital In Berlin Faces Life Behind Bars After ‘Euthanising’ Seriously ill Patients

A prominent cardiologist in Berlin is facing life behind bars after allegedly murdering two patients at Europe's biggest hospital when he allegedly injected them with a lethal cocktail of drugs.…

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Read more about the article After Fighting Off Cancer Seven Times Boy Faces Trial Therapy
Nathanael, 13, poses in undated photo. The boy from the town of Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony State, Germany, suffers from a malignant brain tumor. (Newsflash)

After Fighting Off Cancer Seven Times Boy Faces Trial Therapy

The family of a teenage boy, who has fought off cancer seven times in a decade has told how they're pinning their hopes on a radical new treatment to kill…

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