Read more about the article Chinese Authorities Spray Paint Trees Green But Claim Its Fertiliser
Chinese greening workers spray "green paint" on trees at Xinghai Square in Dalian, China on May 13 2024. (AsiaWire)

Chinese Authorities Spray Paint Trees Green But Claim Its Fertiliser

These images show the authorities in China apparently spray-painting trees green. The footage, filmed in Dalian, a port city in Liaoning province, shows workers spraying green paint on yellow-green trees…

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Read more about the article Zoo Recycles Scrapped Christmas Trees For New Year Feast
Picture shows an elephant with a Christmas tree, undated. In Berlin Zoo and Tierpark, Christmas trees are traditionally eaten. (Berlin Zoo/Newsflash)

Zoo Recycles Scrapped Christmas Trees For New Year Feast

As millions race to throw out their Christmas trees before the 12th Night (on the 5th January) one zoo in Germany has come up with the ultimate recycling scheme. Instead…

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Read more about the article Climate Activists’ Campaign Of Spraying Xmas Trees In Germany
Photo shows a climate activist standing in front of a Christmas tree that was sprayed with orange paint at a major German city, undated. They painted Christmas trees in several major German cities. (@AufstandLastGen/CEN)

Climate Activists’ Campaign Of Spraying Xmas Trees In Germany

Climate activists have been tackling Christmas trees instead of artwork by spraying them orange in locations across Germany to highlight global warming. Please report that huge Christmas trees in town…

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Read more about the article Green Lawmakers Axe Trees At Sleeping Beauty Castle To Install Wind Farm
Image shows the Sababurg, also known as the Sleeping Beauty Castle, located in the legendary Reinhardswald, a forested upland in the county of Kassel, Hesse State, Germany. German authorities have built wind power plants around it to help replace fossil fuels. (Newsflash)

Green Lawmakers Axe Trees At Sleeping Beauty Castle To Install Wind Farm

Green politicians in Germany have given the go-ahead to axe dozens of ancient trees and build a wind farm in one of the country's largest mixed forests which reportedly inspired…

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Read more about the article On-Holiday German Boffin Finds Micro Diamonds In French Vineyard Caused By Pressure When Giant Meteorite Crashed
Image shows the microsphere from the meteorite, undated photo. The iron oxide spherule found in the 'Domaine du Meteore' crater near the town of Beziers, in France, has a core composed of minerals typical for the crater environment and also contains a large number of microdiamonds. (Frank Brenker, Goethe University Frankfurt/Newsflash)

On-Holiday German Boffin Finds Micro Diamonds In French Vineyard Caused By Pressure When Giant Meteorite Crashed

A French vineyard has turned out to be located in an ancient meteor crater after researchers found countless micro diamonds under the vines formed as a result of the incredible…

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Read more about the article Tannenbaum Trees Go Down A Treat For Swiss Zoo Animals
Image shows a lama nibbling on a Christmas tree, undated photo. Animals at the Zurich Zoo, in Switzerland, received about 120 unsold Christmas trees in January 2023. (Zoo Zurich, Martina Kaelin/Newsflash)

Tannenbaum Trees Go Down A Treat For Swiss Zoo Animals

Animals at a Swiss zoo got an Alpine treat when dozens of unsold Christmas trees were delivered for them to munch on and play with. A spokesman at Zurich Zoo…

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Read more about the article Miracle Recovery Of Brothers Lost In Amazon Astounds Medics
Picture shows the brothers Gleison Carvalho Ferreira, 9, and Glauco Carvalho Ferreira, 7, undated. They had been missing for 26 days in the Amazon rainforest, in municipality of Manicore, Brazil, and were found on the March 15 , 2022. (CEN)

Miracle Recovery Of Brothers Lost In Amazon Astounds Medics

Two young brothers who were close to death after 26 days lost in the Amazon rainforest have astonished medics with their rapid recovery. Gleison and Glauco Carvalho Ferreira went missing…

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Read more about the article City Fells Over 100 Trees So Lizards Can Sunbathe
Picture shows a Common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis), undated. In Stuttgart, Germany, 106 trees have to be cut down because lizards need a place to sunbathe in a substitute habitat created for the protection of the species. (Newsflash)

City Fells Over 100 Trees So Lizards Can Sunbathe

City officials have felled more than 100 trees so that a colony of lizards can get enough sun, it has emerged. The lizards - common wall lizards, or Podarcis muralis…

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Read more about the article Scientists Say Tundra Could Be Lost In 30 Years As Trees Take Over
Aerial photo of open Northern forest on the Taymyr Peninsula, Siberia, (proximity of the river Chatanga), consisting of larches. In some parts of this area the trees are growing in dense formations, in others one can see just very few trees. (Stefan Kruse/Newsflash)

Scientists Say Tundra Could Be Lost In 30 Years As Trees Take Over

The unique vegetation of the tundra could disappear by the year 2050 if no substantial reduction of global warming is achieved, scientists have warned. Experts at the Alfred Wegener Institute’s…

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