Read more about the article New Study Suggests That Chimps Can Form Sound Sequences To Communicate New Meaning And Signal Threats
Image shows a wild chimpanzee in Uganda, undated photo. Swiss researchers from the city of Zurich showed that chimpanzees combine calls to communicate new meaning. (Adrian Soldati/Newsflash)

New Study Suggests That Chimps Can Form Sound Sequences To Communicate New Meaning And Signal Threats

A new study has suggested that people's closest-living relatives, chimps, can combine calls to communicate new meaning from the sequences in a similar way to when humans make sentences. Scientists…

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Read more about the article Study Suggests Mercenaries May Have Helped Ancient Greeks Turn The Tide Of War Against Carthaginians
Picture shows a mass grave from the battle of Himera in 409 BC, undated. Genomes from the remains reveal the genetic diversity of the soldiers. (University of Vienna/Newsflash)

Study Suggests Mercenaries May Have Helped Ancient Greeks Turn The Tide Of War Against Carthaginians

Researchers have discovered that mercenaries may have helped Greeks battle Carthaginians in Sicily over 2,500 years ago. DNA analysis of 54 bodies found in mass graves revealed that a decent…

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Read more about the article Bones Of English Dead At Battle Of Waterloo Were Sold As Fertiliser, Study Suggests
Batalla de Waterloo - Jan Willem Pieneman La bataille de Waterloo (1824, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) de Jan Willem Pieneman (1779-1853). (Jan Willem Pieneman La bataille de Waterloo (1824, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) de Jan Willem Pieneman (1779-1853)/Newsflash)

Bones Of English Dead At Battle Of Waterloo Were Sold As Fertiliser, Study Suggests

The bones of the fallen soldiers at the Battle of Waterloo were sold as fertiliser, a new study has suggested. The study, which was published on 17th June, nearly 207…

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Read more about the article Cave Find Suggests Humans Wore Necklaces 120K Years Ago
Unperforated shell from Misliya cave at 160,000 years ago or earlier (top), and perforated and ochre covered shell from Qafzeh cave dated to 120,000 years ago or younger (bottom)

Cave Find Suggests Humans Wore Necklaces 120K Years Ago

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Israeli archaeologists have found evidence that early humans wore shell necklaces painted with ochre as far back as 120,000 years ago. The discovery, which included several examples of ancient shell…

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