Read more about the article Vintner Discovers 40,000-Year-Old Mammoth Remains In His Wine Cellar
Image shows OeAI archaeologist Hanna Parow-Souchon (right), undated photo. She explained the location of the mammoth bones to the Langenlois City Councillor for Culture Sonja Fragner (centre) and the owner of the wine cellar Andreas Pernestorfer (left). (OeAW-OeAI, Th. Einwoegerer/Newsflash)

Vintner Discovers 40,000-Year-Old Mammoth Remains In His Wine Cellar

An Austrian vintner has made a remarkable discovery after stumbling upon 40,000-year-old mammoth bones while renovating his cellar for the coming harvest. Winemaker Andreas Pernerstorfer was stunned when he came…

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Read more about the article Summer School Student Finds Bee Species Not Seen In The Area In More Than 65 Years
Picture shows a bee captured by a Canadian museum's summer school attendant that has been identified as a rare species - not seen in the province for almost 70 years, undated. Zoologist Dr Cory Sheffield from the Royal Saskatchewan Museum (RSM) in the city of Regina, Saskatchewan Province, said the discovered type was determined to be a Macropis Cuckoo Bee specimen. (Saskatchewan Government, NewsX/Bee)

Summer School Student Finds Bee Species Not Seen In The Area In More Than 65 Years

A bee captured by a Canadian museum's summer school attendant has been identified as a rare species that has not been seen in the province for almost 70 years. Zoologist…

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Read more about the article World’s First Albino Ocelot Found In The Wild Gets New Home In Zoo
Picture shows the first albino Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), undated. It was found in Amalfi, Colombia, and has reached adulthood and weighs 12.8 kilogrames. (Corantioquia/Newsflash)

World’s First Albino Ocelot Found In The Wild Gets New Home In Zoo

A beautiful white kitten that grew up to be a big cat has been identified as the world's first-ever wild albino ocelot. The albino feline that was found as a…

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Read more about the article UK Institution Donates Nearly 20,000-Bird Collection To Austrian Museum
Image shows the Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops), undated photo. The British Harrison Institute in Sevenoaks, England will donated 19,000 birds to the Natural History Museum Vienna in Austria on Friday, Nov. 4, 2022. (Robbie Bright/Newsflash)

UK Institution Donates Nearly 20,000-Bird Collection To Austrian Museum

A British research and charity institution has donated its enormous bird specimen collection to one of the leading natural history museums of Central Europe. The Natural History Museum Vienna (NHM)…

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Read more about the article Boffins Discover New 20-Million-Year-Old Ant Species Encased In Amber
Image shows the extinct ant in the Hereon measuring station at DESY's X-ray light source PETRA III in an undated photo. A German research team from the University of Jena discovered a previously unknown extinct ant in 20 million-years-old amber. (Hammel, Laustroer/Newsflash)

Boffins Discover New 20-Million-Year-Old Ant Species Encased In Amber

Astonished scientists have discovered a previously unknown species of ant after scanning a 20-million-year-old block of amber. Researchers in Germany, France and Poland made the remarkable find after using micro-computed…

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Read more about the article Baffled Customs Officers Find Endangered Tortoise Skeleton In Its Shell Shipped From Switzerland As Home Decoration
The skeletonised tortoise listed by the IUCN as 'vulnerable' which was found by customs officers in the city of Augsburg in Germany. (Hauptzollamt Augsburg/Newsflash)

Baffled Customs Officers Find Endangered Tortoise Skeleton In Its Shell Shipped From Switzerland As Home Decoration

German customs officers have seized a protected tortoise skeleton along with its shell that was shipped from Switzerland to Germany as a home decoration. The officials at the Donauwoerth Customs…

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Read more about the article Brazilian Biologists Astounded To Find Extremely Rare Pregnant Albino Bat
The first time that the pregnant female of the Artibeus planirostris species is seen in nature, in Santa Terezinha, Brazil. (Leal/Newsflash)

Brazilian Biologists Astounded To Find Extremely Rare Pregnant Albino Bat

This picture shows the extremely rare pregnant albino bat that astounded Brazilian biologists. The specimen is the only pregnant flat-faced fruit-eating bat (Artibeus planirostris) that has ever been photographed in…

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Read more about the article Rescued Turtle Defecates Over 10 Different Types Of Plastic
A juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas), defecated more than 10 different types of plastics in San Clemente del Tuyu in Argentina in December 2021. (Fundacion Mundo Marino/Newsflash)

Rescued Turtle Defecates Over 10 Different Types Of Plastic

A turtle rescued from a fishing net has defecated over 10 different types of plastic. The juvenile green sea turtle was taken to the rescue and rehabilitation centre of the…

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Read more about the article 118 Stone T-Rex Set To Return Home After 66 Million Years
The skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex around eleven meters long and four meters high that was built in Upper Bavaria. (

118 Stone T-Rex Set To Return Home After 66 Million Years

A T-rex that once roamed North America is set to return home after a US millionaire paid German palaeontologists to put it back together for him like a giant jigsaw…

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