Read more about the article Antarctic’s ‘Stable’ Glaciers Are Melting From Below, New Study Shows
Image shows a sediment core from East Antarctica, undated photo. Polarstern will return to its porn in Bremerhaven, Germany, after a six-month-long Antarctic mission. (Alfred Wegener Institute, Lester Lembke-Jene/Newsflash)

Antarctic’s ‘Stable’ Glaciers Are Melting From Below, New Study Shows

Huge glaciers once thought to be stable in eastern Antarctica are melting from below as warmer water flows erode their roots, a new scientific study has revealed. The six-month study…

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Read more about the article Giant 660-lb Sea Monster Found Dead On Beach In Brazil After Washing Up From Depths
Photo shows a fish known as 'Giant of the Seas'. The fish weighing around 300 kg was found in Ajuruteua beach in Braganca, Para in Brazil. (CEN)

Giant 660-lb Sea Monster Found Dead On Beach In Brazil After Washing Up From Depths

This footage shows a giant 660-lb monster fish that was found washed up on a beach in Brazil. The footage shows a man pulling the massive fish along the beach…

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Read more about the article 5,000-Year-Old Wine In Ancient Queen’s Tomb Shows She Could Be Egypt’s First Pharaoh
Photo shows the tomb complex of Queen Meret-Neith in Abydos during excavation. The queen's burial chamber is located in the center of the complex and is surrounded by the side graves of the courtiers and servants. (EC Kohler/Newsflash)

5,000-Year-Old Wine In Ancient Queen’s Tomb Shows She Could Be Egypt’s First Pharaoh

Secrets of Egypt's first-ever female pharaoh have been unearthed after archaeologists unlocked hidden treasures of her ancient royal grave. The status of Queen Meret-Neith, a former consort in Egypt's First…

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Read more about the article German Navy Shows Firepower Of Futuristic Laser Blaster
Image shows the "Saxony" frigate, undated photo. The Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Use of the Bundeswehr (BAAINBw) is testing high-energy laser weapons since October 2022. (BAAINBw/Newsflash)

German Navy Shows Firepower Of Futuristic Laser Blaster

German warship shows off its futuristic firepower as it tests a high-energy Star Wars-style laser blaster on a moving target. Video footage of the breakthrough shows the weapon - fired…

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Read more about the article Swiss Glaciers Lose Half Their Volume In 85 Years, Study Shows
The Marjelenalp glacier in Switzerland, pictured in 2021. Scientists reconstructed the retreat of glaciers using historical photo material and came to the conclusion that the volume of the glaciers halved between 1931 and 2016, in Switzerland. (VAW, ETH Zurich/Newsflash)

Swiss Glaciers Lose Half Their Volume In 85 Years, Study Shows

Switzerland’s glaciers have decreased by around 50 per cent within 85 years - and are now melting at an even faster rate. Experts studied tens of thousands of period photographs…

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Read more about the article Loyal Dog Cuddles Injured Hiker On Snowy Mountain For 13 Hours To Keep Him Warm
Grga Brkic, hiker with the Alaskan Malamute dog that kept him warm when he fell into a mountain gorge for 13 hours until the emergency services arrived, on 2nd January, in Croatia. (HGSS/Newsflash)

Loyal Dog Cuddles Injured Hiker On Snowy Mountain For 13 Hours To Keep Him Warm

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This image shows a loyal dog still lying on its owner’s upper body while he is being put on a stretcher by mountain rescuers after reportedly keeping him warm for…

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