Read more about the article Heartwarming Images Show Proud Chimp Mum Radiating With Happiness As She Cuddles Newborn
Image shows 13-year-old female chimpanzee Chang with her newborn, undated photo. The little one was born on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (Leipzig Zoo/Newsflash)

Heartwarming Images Show Proud Chimp Mum Radiating With Happiness As She Cuddles Newborn

A critically endangered chimp mum beaming with joy after showing zoo visitors her newborn baby after the loss of her first baby during delivery last year. Images captured at the…

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Read more about the article Experts Scan WWII Enigma Machine And Others Dating Back To 1870 Showing Inner Workings With 3D Models
Deep insights into the Enigma thanks to special X-ray technology. (Fraunhofer IIS/Newsflash)

Experts Scan WWII Enigma Machine And Others Dating Back To 1870 Showing Inner Workings With 3D Models

Experts in Germany have scanned the fascinating inner workings of encryption machines that were first developed in 1870 and that also included the famous Enigma machines used by the Nazis…

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Read more about the article Heart-Wrenching Moment Dying Dog Appears To Wave Goodbye To Its Loving Owner
The dog who waved goodbye to its owner before dying in Jinzhong, China. (xixihaha_0717/AsiaWire)

Heart-Wrenching Moment Dying Dog Appears To Wave Goodbye To Its Loving Owner

These heart-wrenching images show the moment a dying dog appears to wave goodbye to its loving owner. The incident took place in the city of Jinzhong, which is located in…

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Read more about the article Photographer Reveals Amazing Snaps Showing The Years 12 Full Moons All According To Their Ancient Names
One of the full moon photographs which was taken by Turkish photographer Isa Turan throughout 2021. (Isa Turan/Newsflash)

Photographer Reveals Amazing Snaps Showing The Years 12 Full Moons All According To Their Ancient Names

A photographer has revealed these amazing images of the 12 full moons he has taken at regular intervals throughout the year in tribute to their names. Full moons were often…

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Read more about the article Outrage After Images Go Viral Showing Poacher In Brazil Posing With Dead Panther As Trophy
A video circulating on social networks shows a hunter posing with a black panther after shooting the animal, in Arame, Brazil, in October, 2021. (Newsflash)

Outrage After Images Go Viral Showing Poacher In Brazil Posing With Dead Panther As Trophy

These images allegedly showing a poacher in Brazil posing with a dead panther as a trophy has gone viral in South America. The incident took place in the municipality of…

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Read more about the article Spider Mum Frozen In Time By Fossilised Amber Still Protecting Her Young 99 Million Years Later
A female lagonmegoid spider in her egg sac in Burmese amber.

Spider Mum Frozen In Time By Fossilised Amber Still Protecting Her Young 99 Million Years Later

This 99-million-year-old spider mum frozen in time by solidified amber is the oldest piece of evidence showing that ancient spiders kept a close eye on their hatchlings. Four separate chunks…

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Read more about the article Prof Takes On Challenge Of Showing Natural Beauty In One Of Worlds Most Populated Countries
A photo of Tafsir Ahmed Khan from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Prof Takes On Challenge Of Showing Natural Beauty In One Of Worlds Most Populated Countries

Living in Bangladesh, which is one of the most populated countries in the world with 163 million people, poses a challenge when taking pictures showing natural beauty. And for photographer…

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Read more about the article Marine Fish Thrived During Last Period Of Global Warming Say Fossil Hunters
A percomorph, a member of the same group that includes familiar Michigan species such as walleye and perch, from Ras Gharib A. Scalebar equals 10 mm.

Marine Fish Thrived During Last Period Of Global Warming Say Fossil Hunters

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A brief period in which there were elevated global temperatures over 50 million years ago is showing that fish nevertheless managed to flourish. Researchers made the claims in a paper…

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