Read more about the article Miracle As Eight-Year-Old Missing Child Survives In Lion Nature Reserve
Picture shows the eight-year-old Tinotenda Pudu, undated. He survived five days alone in lion-infested Matusadonha Game Park in Zimbabwe. (@mutsamu/NF/newsX)

Miracle As Eight-Year-Old Missing Child Survives In Lion Nature Reserve

An eight-year-old boy lost and alone in a lion-infested forest for five days has been found alive and safe by rescuers. The boy, identified as Tinotenda Pudu, wandered away from…

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Read more about the article Starving Horse Being Nursed Back To Health
Image shows the skinny horse, undated photo. It was rescued by activists from the Animal Rescue Vorpommern Greifswald, in Germany. (Animal Rescue Vorpommern Greifswald/Newsflash)

Starving Horse Being Nursed Back To Health

A starving horse pulled from a water-filled ditch by animal rescuers has started a new lease of life as it recovers from months of malnutrition. The chestnut-coated pony had been…

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Read more about the article Rescuers Save Dog Traped In Muddy Bog After Chasing Seagulls
Fireman rescue dog trapped in mud in Guatape, Colombia, undated. Bruno was chasing seagulls in the reservoir when he became trapped. (@Guardianes_Ant/CEN)

Rescuers Save Dog Traped In Muddy Bog After Chasing Seagulls

Rescuers save a dog called Bruno after he got stuck neck-deep in mud chasing seagulls across a bog. His horrified owner called the police in Guatape, a resort town in…

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Read more about the article OAP Tourist Listed ‘Lost’ in Alps By Smartwatch Was Found By Rescuers In Chalet
Photo shows Silvretta Montafon ski area in Vorarlberg, undated. Mountain rescue searched for Americans after smartwatch raised false alarm on Tuesday, January 23, 2024. (Newsflash)

OAP Tourist Listed ‘Lost’ in Alps By Smartwatch Was Found By Rescuers In Chalet

A massive rescue bid to find a 70-year-old American tourist feared lost in the Austrian Alps when his smartwatch sent an SOS was called off when it emerged he was…

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Read more about the article Rescuers Pluck Frozen Hiker From Mountaintop
Photo shows the rescued of a hiker who had become stranded on a rocky ledge, on Saturday, January 13, 2024. The man was treated at a hospital for injuries to his lower extremities and frostbite. ( @csfdpio/Newsflash)

Rescuers Pluck Frozen Hiker From Mountaintop

Mountain rescuers guide a frozen hiker as they inch down the virtually sheer side of a 9,000-foot canyon. The hiker, not named by local media in the US state of…

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Read more about the article Man Buried And Woman Swept Into Lake  After Mountasin Tragedy At 7,220 Feet
Photo shows Vanessa Gatti, undated. She died in an avalanche in Piedmontese Formazza valley while hiking on Sunday, January 07, 2024. (Vanessa Gatti/Newsflash)

Man Buried And Woman Swept Into Lake After Mountasin Tragedy At 7,220 Feet

A woman reportedly drowned in an avalanche after she was swept into a lake when she and her male companion were hit by a wall of snow at a height…

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Read more about the article Wildlife Rescuers Help Stranded Whale Return To Water After It Kept Trying To Swim To Shore
Photo shows a stranded whale on a beach in Xiuyu, Putian, Fujian, China, undated. Many people worked together to rescue it. (997970851/AsiaWire)

Wildlife Rescuers Help Stranded Whale Return To Water After It Kept Trying To Swim To Shore

Wildlife rescuers and bystanders working together to push a stranded whale back into the ocean after several failed attempts where it kept trying to swim back to shore. Local fishermen…

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Read more about the article Bad-Tempered Squirrel’s Grate Escape
Image shows firemen rescuing a squirrel, on April 10, 2023. It was stuck in a manhole in the city of Dortmund, North-Rhine Westphalia State, Germany. (Dortmund Fire Brigade/Newsflash)

Bad-Tempered Squirrel’s Grate Escape

A bad-tempered squirrel drove rescuers nuts when it tried to bite them as they freed it from a manhole cover on a city street. The red squirrel - described as…

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Read more about the article Fury As Israeli Rescuers Take Ancient Texts Home From Quake-Hit Turkish Synagogue
Photo shows the Book of Esther, undated. Major Haim Otmazgin reportedly took the Book of Esther from an elderly man in Antakya, Hatay, Turkey, during rescue operations. (ZAKA/Newsflash)

Fury As Israeli Rescuers Take Ancient Texts Home From Quake-Hit Turkish Synagogue

Jerusalem has returned centuries-old scrolls after they were removed by an Israeli rescue team after an earthquake-wrecked synagogue was destroyed in Turkey. The ancient scrolls, known as the Book of…

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Read more about the article Rescuers Release Dozen Orphaned Manatees Back To The Wild In A Single Day
Picture shows a close up of a manatee, on Monday, Feb. 13, 2023. Twelve manatees were released at Blue Spring State Park, on Monday, Feb. 13, 2023. (Save The Manatee/Newsflash)

Rescuers Release Dozen Orphaned Manatees Back To The Wild In A Single Day

US rescuers have celebrated the successful release of an unprecedented dozen manatees back into the sea in just one day. The Manatee Rescue and Rehabilitation Partnership (MRP) released the adorable…

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