Read more about the article 14 Rare Turtles Are Released Back Into The Sea
Picture shows some of the 14 Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) Fourteen turtles going into the sea on the beach of El Puig, in Spain, this Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. (Oceanografic Valencia/Newsflash)

14 Rare Turtles Are Released Back Into The Sea Oceanografic Valencia/Newsflash 14 rare sea turtles are released into the ocean. Footage of the release shows the loggerhead sea turtles- Caretta caretta - being released into the sea on…

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Read more about the article Extinct Sea Eagles Return
Several white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) rest in GREFA (Majadahonda, Madrid) before being transferred to Asturias. (GREFA, Eloy Couceiro/Newsflash)

Extinct Sea Eagles Return

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White-tailed eagles have arrived in Spain as part of a conversation plan to reintroduce the huge bird of prey to one of its ancient habitats. The eagle - which can…

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Read more about the article First Steps Of Newborn Calf As He Walks Out With Mum
The little Indian rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis) that was recently born at the Basel Zoo located in Switzerland, alongside his mum Quetta, aged 28. (Zoo Basel/Newsflash)

First Steps Of Newborn Calf As He Walks Out With Mum

An adorable newborn rhino calf charmed animal lovers with his first steps in public with his mum. Basel Zoo in Switzerland released the footage as it announced that the male…

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Read more about the article Seals Gaping Neck Wound From Plastic Packing Band
The deep wound caused by a plastic band used for industrial-type packaging on the neck of a South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) in Villa Gesell, Argentina, in April, 2022. (Fundacion Rescate Verdemar/Newsflash)

Seals Gaping Neck Wound From Plastic Packing Band

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Shocked marine wildlife experts have released harrowing footage of a seal left with a gaping neck wound after it became entangled in plastic packaging. The huge wound was first noticed…

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