Read more about the article Gran Theft Miracle As Stolen Statue Of Jesus, Mary And Holy Grandma Returns After 51 Years
Image shows the medieval sculpture, undated photo. It appeared in Switzerland after missing for more than 50 years. (State Criminal Police Office of Baden-Wuerttemberg/NF/newsX)

Gran Theft Miracle As Stolen Statue Of Jesus, Mary And Holy Grandma Returns After 51 Years

A saintly statue showing the baby Jesus with his grandmother and mum has been miraculously returned to a church more than 50 years after it was stolen. The 15th-century masterpiece…

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Read more about the article More Than 100 Year Old Torpedo Washes Up On Beach
A torpedo from the First Sino-Japanese War era is found floating on the sea surface on a beach in Weihai, Shandong, China, Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024. It has been permanently collected by the museum. (AWR/newsX)

More Than 100 Year Old Torpedo Washes Up On Beach

This picture shows a more than 100-year-old torpedo that was recovered from the sea in Weihai, in the Chinese Province of Shandong. The Weihai Public Security Bureau in Shandong Province…

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Read more about the article Fanatical Nazi Pilot’s Messerschmitt Found In Lake 80 Years After Shot Down Taking On 1,000 Allied Planes
Picture show the aircraft on the grave of Sandor Beregssaszy, undated. The plane that he died in was recovered from Lake Balaton, Hungary, on Oct. 10, 2023. (Samuel taunts/Newsflash)

Fanatical Nazi Pilot’s Messerschmitt Found In Lake 80 Years After Shot Down Taking On 1,000 Allied Planes

An amazingly preserved Nazi fighter plane that went into battle with 17 others against an American force of almost 1,000 planes has finally been recovered almost 80 years after it…

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Read more about the article Remains Of US Bomber Crewman Recovered From Malta Seabed
Divers explore the B-24 Liberator bomber aircraft of the coast of Malta, undated. They found and brought up the remains of Irving R. Newman an American World War II airman missing in action since 1943. (University of Malta, Timmy Gambin/Newsflash)

Remains Of US Bomber Crewman Recovered From Malta Seabed

The remains of a US airman whose bomber crashed in flames into the sea off the coast of Malta during World War II have been recovered after the plane was…

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Read more about the article Found Mobile Could Be Key To How Missing Scientology Girl Died
Image shows Yolanda Klug, 23, undated photo. Her remains were found in a forest near the town of Freyburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, on Feb. 25, 2023. (Newsflash)

Found Mobile Could Be Key To How Missing Scientology Girl Died

A mobile phone belonging to a woman who disappeared on her way to IKEA three years ago has been recovered by police. Investigators found the device next to bones identified…

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Read more about the article Police Seize Gruesome Private Museum Of Ancient Human Remains
Picture shows some of the items seized by police during Osarium operation, undated. Police seized 350 archaeological pieces and almost 200 bone remains from two men charged with misappropriation of goods of historical, cultural or scientific value in Gata de Gorgos, Spain. (Newsflash)

Police Seize Gruesome Private Museum Of Ancient Human Remains

A private collection of nearly 200 ancient human bones and more than 350 archaeological treasures have been seized by police from homes in Spain. Civil Guard officers recovered an astonishing…

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Read more about the article NASA Orion Spacecraft Recovered From The Pacific After Three-Week Space Mission
The footage shows the Orion spacecraft being recovered from the water after making a successful splashdown in the Pacific on Sunday, Dec. 11, 2022. The US 3rd Fleet accompanied the spacecraft as it was making its way home after spending 25.5 days in space, completing the Artemis I mission. (U.S. Navy/Newsflash)

NASA Orion Spacecraft Recovered From The Pacific After Three-Week Space Mission

A newly-released video shows the Orion spacecraft being recovered from the water after making a successful splashdown in the Pacific. The US 3rd Fleet accompanied the spacecraft as it was…

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Read more about the article 1,400-Year-Old Tree Recovered From Underwater Forest
The tree weighing around 6 tons, being recovered from the lake, undated. An approximately 1,400-year-old silver fir was recovered from Lake Altaussee, Austria as part of a research project. (OBf-Archiv, Thomas Kranabitl/Newsflash)

1,400-Year-Old Tree Recovered From Underwater Forest

These images show how a six-tonne fir tree dating back 1,400 years has been recovered from an underwater forest in an Austrian lake. Experts say the tree first took seed…

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Read more about the article Prehistoric Bronze Age Daggers Were Not Used As Weapons, Research Finds
Prehistoric Bronze Age daggers weren't used as weapons but mainly as tools for skinning animal carcasses, reveals new research.The knives, made from copper alloy, were widespread in Europe including Britain and Ireland, appearing around 5,000 years ago. See SWNS story SWNNdaggers. As most of these daggers have been recovered as burial goods in warrior graves it was thought they had a ceremonial purpose to show the status of the deceased. But Newcastle University scientists developed a new technique to study organic material on the blades. They discovered lots of traces of bone and sinew of animals and when they made reproductions of them found that skinning animals was their best use. Archaeologists have long debated what these objects were used for, with some saying they were primarily ceremonial objects used in prehistoric funerals and others suggested that they may have been used as weapons or tools for crafts.

Prehistoric Bronze Age Daggers Were Not Used As Weapons, Research Finds

Prehistoric Bronze Age daggers were mainly used as tools for skinning animal carcasses rather than as weapons, reveals new research. The knives, made from copper alloy, were widespread in Europe…

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