Read more about the article Record Number Of Bee Colonies Despite Virus Deaths
Picture shows the beekeeper Heinz Hoffmann, 90, undated. He lets himself be stung by bees in Frankfurt, Germany. (Newsflash)

Record Number Of Bee Colonies Despite Virus Deaths

More people than ever have taken up beekeeping in Austria - despite fears of virus deaths and the effects climate change. Statistics provided by the Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Regional…

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Read more about the article Palaeontologists Discover New Crocodile Species With Thickest Eggs Ever That Lived With Last Dinosaurs
Picture shows Pachykrokolithus excavatum shell fragments, undated. They were found in found in La Ribagorza, Spain, dated within the 250,000 years of the Cretaceous period, close to the extinction of the dinosaurs. (Manuel Perez Pueyo/Newsflash)

Palaeontologists Discover New Crocodile Species With Thickest Eggs Ever That Lived With Last Dinosaurs

Palaeontologists have discovered a new species of crocodile that lived with the last dinosaurs and that laid the thickest eggs on record. The group of palaeontologists from the University of…

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Read more about the article Polarstern Icebreaker Returns To Port After Arctic Research Amid Record Heatwaves
Scientists on the PS131 enter an ice floe in the ice edge zone north of Spitsbergen. The Polarstern was expected to arrive at the Lloyd Werft pier in Bremerhaven, Germany, on Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2022. (Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Vera Schlindwein/Newsflash)

Polarstern Icebreaker Returns To Port After Arctic Research Amid Record Heatwaves

The Polarstern icebreaker returned to port in Germany on Wednesday after spending 51 days conducting research in the Arctic amid record heatwaves this summer. The researchers were investigating how increasingly…

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Read more about the article Record Temperatures In Tourist Hot Spot Spawn New Breed Of Jellyfish
Mar Menor in Spain in an undated photo. The water temperature sets the historical record of 31.25 degrees in July, 2022. (Newsflash)

Record Temperatures In Tourist Hot Spot Spawn New Breed Of Jellyfish

Record temperatures in a Spanish tourist hotspot have spawned a new species of venomous barrel jellyfish. A historic temperature of 31.25 degrees Celsius has been recorded in the Mar Menor,…

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Read more about the article Turtle Mum’s Record-Breaking Egg Laying On Spanish Beach
The turtle with a device to monitore it in an undated picture. It was seen in the beach of Alicante, Spain, July 2022. (Ayto Guardamar/Newsflash)

Turtle Mum’s Record-Breaking Egg Laying On Spanish Beach

A turtle mum stunned wildlife experts when she laid an astonishing 131 eggs in a single session on a Spanish beach. Video footage of the record birth on Les Ortigues…

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Read more about the article Experts Head To Arctic To Assess Climate Change Impact Amid Record Heatwave
The Polarstern departs from its home port of Bremerhaven for the Arctic. A tug pulls the ship towards the lock. (Nina Machner/Newsflash)

Experts Head To Arctic To Assess Climate Change Impact Amid Record Heatwave

The legendary research vessel and icebreaker Polarstern has left Germany and is heading to the Arctic to assess the impact of climate change amid a record heatwave in Europe. Over…

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Read more about the article Record Hatching Of Rare Chicks
Young storks before they are ringed in the eyrie at the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland. (Zoo Zurich, Enzo Franchini/Newsflash)

Record Hatching Of Rare Chicks

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A zoo has seen an astonishing number of white storks chicks – once considered extinct in parts of Europe – hatching this spring thanks to perfect weather. Switzerland's Zurich Zoo…

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Read more about the article Jaws-Dropping Record Baby Shark Litter Born In Spain
The 15 new grey shark pups (Carcharhinus plumbeus, born at Oceanografic de Valencia, in Spain, in on 29th April, 2022. (Oceanografic de Valencia/Newsflash)

Jaws-Dropping Record Baby Shark Litter Born In Spain

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A record-breaking litter of rare Sandbar sharks had to be rescued by aquarium keepers to stop them being snapped up by other predators. In the wild, the environmentally threatened shark…

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Read more about the article Earliest Record Of Aurora Borealis Found In 10th BC Annals That Showed Back Then It Was Visible In Central China
Illustrative image of an aurora. (AsiaWire)

Earliest Record Of Aurora Borealis Found In 10th BC Annals That Showed Back Then It Was Visible In Central China

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The oldest recorded mention of the aurora borealis has been found in ancient Chinese text referring to the phenomenon that dates back to the 10th century BC when it was…

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