Read more about the article Erie Premonition As Artist Paints Flood Before Being Killed By One
Picture shows the painting named as 'The Flood', painted by Rodolpho Tamanini Netto, undated. The artist died in a flood in the West Zone of Sao Paolo, Brazil. (Newsflash/NX)

Erie Premonition As Artist Paints Flood Before Being Killed By One

This eerie premonitory painting of a flood was created by an artist who died when floodwaters invaded his home a few years later. Named 'The Flood', the piece was painted…

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Read more about the article Painting By Zoo’s Panda Is Top Prize In Lottery For Fans
This is the moment a panda cub paints at Moscow Zoo, Russia in a video posted on Thursday, January 02, 2025. (Moscow Zoo/CZ/newsX)

Painting By Zoo’s Panda Is Top Prize In Lottery For Fans

This is the adorable moment a male panda impresses keepers with his painting skills. The panda called Zhui, who resides at the Moscow Zoo in the Russian capital, was spotted…

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Read more about the article Modern Art Pure White Canvas To Sell For Over GBP 1.2 Million
Image shows Robert Ryman's General 52 x 52, from 1970. It is estimated to fetch EUR 1.5 million (GBP 1.2 million) in Munich, Bavaria State, Germany, in December 2024. (NF/newsX)

Modern Art Pure White Canvas To Sell For Over GBP 1.2 Million

A canvas painted completely white by modern art maestro Robert Ryman is to go under the hammer valued at over GBP 1.2 million. The 1970 minimal masterpiece is titled 'General…

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Read more about the article Young Master Began Painting Aged Just 10 Months
Young Bento Benatti, 6, poses in undated photo. Bento, who has been painting since 10 months old, exhibited his paintings for the first time at the Municipal Theatre in his hometown of Araxa, Brazil, on Thursday, 13 June, 2024. (Fccb Cultura/Newsflash)

Young Master Began Painting Aged Just 10 Months

A six-year-old art genius who began painting at just 10 months old has amazed critics with his first public exhibition. Bento Benatti fell in love with art as a baby…

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Read more about the article Long-Lost Gustav Klimt Portrait Sells For ‘Only’ GBP 26 Million At Auction
Image shows the auction in Vienna, Austria, on Wednesday, Apr. 24, 2024. Gustav Klimt's "Portrait of Fraeulein Lieser" fetched nearly GBP 26 million. (Auktionshaus im Kinsky GmbH, Wien/Newsflash)

Long-Lost Gustav Klimt Portrait Sells For ‘Only’ GBP 26 Million At Auction

A long-lost portrait by Austrian artist Gustav Klimt has sold for nearly GBP 26 million at auction, considerably less than expected. The auction took place in the Austrian capital Vienna…

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Read more about the article Terror As Spook Moves Ghostly Painting At Holiday Home
Video shows a painting hanging on the wall moving from one side to the other in Miramar, Argentina, undated. A young woman rented a house and felt a presence of a 'ghost'. (@_malenaluna_/Newsflash)

Terror As Spook Moves Ghostly Painting At Holiday Home

Ghost-thrusters moment when an art-loving spook apparently shoves a painting along a wall in front of screaming holidaymakers. Chilling social media footage recorded in a rented house in Miramar, Argentina,…

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Read more about the article Elderly Villagers Colour Over Ancient Buddha Statues For ‘Good Luck’
Photo shows the cliff statue of Shifeihe after it was painted by villagers in Nanjiang, Sichuan, China, undated. Restoration has been carried out. (AsiaWire)

Elderly Villagers Colour Over Ancient Buddha Statues For ‘Good Luck’

A group of villagers have invoked the wrath of the locals after they vandalised two 1,400-old Buddha statues by painting them with vivid colours claiming it was for religious offerings.…

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Read more about the article USD 5 Charity Shop Painting Was USD 200,000 Masterpiece
Photo shows a painting of Newell Convers Wyeth, called Ramona, undated. Newell Convers Wyeth, known as N. C. Wyeth, was an American painter and illustrator. (Bonhams Skinner/Newsflash)

USD 5 Charity Shop Painting Was USD 200,000 Masterpiece

A painting bought in a charity shop for just USD 5 has been sold at auction as a modern masterpiece for nearly USD 200,000. The lucky buyer, who has not…

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