Read more about the article Serial 95-Year-Old Holocaust Denier Who Claims Auschwitz Gas Chambers Didn’t Exist
Image shows Ursula Haverbeck, 95, at the Hamburg District Court, Germany, undated photo. She was sentenced to one year and four months in prison on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. (Newsflash)

Serial 95-Year-Old Holocaust Denier Who Claims Auschwitz Gas Chambers Didn’t Exist

A Nazi grandma who married an SS official and spent decades denying the Holocaust has been sentenced to jail again for claiming Auschwitz was never a death camp. Judges at…

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Read more about the article Nazi Concentration Camp Lampshade Is Made Of Stretched Human Skin, New Research Reveals
Picture shows some human remains at Buchenwald, including a lampshade allegedly made of human skin, undated. An earlier report from 1992 incorrectly claimed that the lampshade was made of plastic. (Newsflash)

Nazi Concentration Camp Lampshade Is Made Of Stretched Human Skin, New Research Reveals

New research has determined that a Nazi concentration camp lampshade is made of stretched human skin. It has long been suspected that the "small lampshade" from the Buchenwald concentration camp…

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Read more about the article Massive Cache Of Buried Nazi Chemical Weapons And Explosives Removed From Mine
Picture shows the Dethlinger Teich mine in Germany, undated. Work has been underway since October 2023 to clear it of explosive ordnance. (Newsflash)

Massive Cache Of Buried Nazi Chemical Weapons And Explosives Removed From Mine

A massive cache of more than 20,000 tonnes of World War II high explosives and chemical weapons has been removed from a mine shaft in Germany. The huge stash was…

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Read more about the article Police Seize Guns, Ammo And Nazi Propaganda In Raids
Photo shows the weapons that Salzburg police seized, undated. They were found during house searches in the National Socialist milieu on Thursday, January 11, 2024. (LSE SALZBURG/Newsflash)

Police Seize Guns, Ammo And Nazi Propaganda In Raids

A terrifying cache of Nazi memorabilia, guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition have been seized during police raids on homes in Austria. Prosecutors staged the raids on 11th January…

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Read more about the article Furious Customer Found SS Symbol In Store Cardi
Photo shows a Sandro jacket with a petter that resembles the esoteric insignia of the Schutzstaffel, known in German as the SS-Runen, undated. They were used from the 1920s to 1945 on Schutzstaffel (SS) flags, uniforms and other items as symbols of various aspects of Nazi ideology and Germanic mysticism. (CEN)

Furious Customer Found SS Symbol In Store Cardi

A shopper has told of his horror as he found a shocking Nazi SS symbol in the pattern of a cardigan at a store in Switzerland. The furious customer, not…

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Read more about the article Fanatical Nazi Pilot’s Messerschmitt Found In Lake 80 Years After Shot Down Taking On 1,000 Allied Planes
Picture show the aircraft on the grave of Sandor Beregssaszy, undated. The plane that he died in was recovered from Lake Balaton, Hungary, on Oct. 10, 2023. (Samuel taunts/Newsflash)

Fanatical Nazi Pilot’s Messerschmitt Found In Lake 80 Years After Shot Down Taking On 1,000 Allied Planes

An amazingly preserved Nazi fighter plane that went into battle with 17 others against an American force of almost 1,000 planes has finally been recovered almost 80 years after it…

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Read more about the article Nazi Camp Guard Aged 99 Charged With Being Accessory To Murder Of More Than 3,300 Holocaust Victims
Photo shows prisoners in the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen, Germany in December, 1938. The camp was used from 1936 until April 1945. (Newsflash)

Nazi Camp Guard Aged 99 Charged With Being Accessory To Murder Of More Than 3,300 Holocaust Victims

A 99-year-old man could be the last former concentration camp guard to answer for the murder of thousands after he was changed with being an accessory to murder during the…

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Read more about the article Fashion Brand Slammed Over Nazi Death Camp Style Clothing Line
Photo shows the set of clothes 'Riachuelo' is slammed for. Internet users criticized the white and blue striped shirt that according to them resembled Nazi concentration camp uniforms. (@myapacioni/CEN)

Fashion Brand Slammed Over Nazi Death Camp Style Clothing Line

A Brazilian fashion brand has come under fire over a striped shirt and trousers look that has been compared to the notorious striped uniforms worn by prisoners in the Nazi…

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Read more about the article Letter From Prisoner At Nazi POW Camp Arrives After 80 Years
Picture shows the letter writen by a man in November 1943 that was delivered after 80 years, to Taranto, Italy. A man wrote to his wife from a prison camp near Berlin, Germany but the letter was delivered in recent days. (@Barullisindacodimottola/Newsflash)

Letter From Prisoner At Nazi POW Camp Arrives After 80 Years

A letter from a prisoner at a World War II-era POW camp has been delivered after 80 years. The letter was sent by an Italian prisoner named Pasquale to his…

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