Read more about the article Serial 95-Year-Old Holocaust Denier Who Claims Auschwitz Gas Chambers Didn’t Exist
Image shows Ursula Haverbeck, 95, at the Hamburg District Court, Germany, undated photo. She was sentenced to one year and four months in prison on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. (Newsflash)

Serial 95-Year-Old Holocaust Denier Who Claims Auschwitz Gas Chambers Didn’t Exist

A Nazi grandma who married an SS official and spent decades denying the Holocaust has been sentenced to jail again for claiming Auschwitz was never a death camp. Judges at…

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Read more about the article Ukrainian Holocaust Survivor In Auschwitz With Anne Frank Says She Survived Hitler And Stalin, And Will Survive Putin As Well
Ukrainian holocaust survivor Anastasia Gulej, aged 96, who was placed in the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland alongside German-Dutch diarist Anne Frank. (Newsflash)

Ukrainian Holocaust Survivor In Auschwitz With Anne Frank Says She Survived Hitler And Stalin, And Will Survive Putin As Well

A 96-year-old Holocaust survivor from Ukraine who was in Auschwitz with Anne Frank before being liberated by British troops has said that after surviving Stalin and Hitler, she plans to…

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Read more about the article Holocaust Survivors From Great Britain Visits Concentration Camps, Some For The First Time In Almost 80 Years
British Holocaust survivor Mala Tribich visited former concentration camp in Bergen-Belsen in October 2021. (Newsflash)

Holocaust Survivors From Great Britain Visits Concentration Camps, Some For The First Time In Almost 80 Years

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A group of British Holocaust survivors visited the concentrations camps where they and members of the families were beaten, tortured and murdered by Nazi guards. Several members of the group…

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