Read more about the article Antarctica’s Ancient Rainforest Revealed In Lump Of Amber, First-Ever To Be Discovered There
Image shows the 90-million-year-old amber, undated photo. It was found in Antarctica. (Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Johann P. Klages/NF/newsX)

Antarctica’s Ancient Rainforest Revealed In Lump Of Amber, First-Ever To Be Discovered There

A lump of amber unearthed in the South Pole that is the first ever to be discovered there has proven how Antarctica was once covered in lush rainforests. The amber,…

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Read more about the article World’s Smallest Dinosaur Egg Fossils Unearthed
Photo shows dinosaur egg fossils that were discovered in Meilin Town, Ganxian District, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, China, 2021. The one measuring just 29 mm in length. (China University of Geosciences/AWR/newsX)

World’s Smallest Dinosaur Egg Fossils Unearthed

Astonished scientists have unearthed what are believed to be the smallest dinosaur eggs ever found during a fossil hunting expedition in China. The six eggs, excavated in eastern Jiangxi Province,…

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Read more about the article Woman Uncovers Remarkable Stone With Remains Of Ancient Creatures That Glows Under UV Light
Image shows the stone under UV light, undated photo. It was found by Sarah Zech, 30, near Niendorf, Schleswig-Holstein State, Germany. (Sarah Zech/Newsflash)

Woman Uncovers Remarkable Stone With Remains Of Ancient Creatures That Glows Under UV Light

A woman and her eight-year-old son have stumbled upon a grey stone dating back millions of years that glows under UV light while taking a stroll on a beach. Sarah…

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Read more about the article Vintner Discovers 40,000-Year-Old Mammoth Remains In His Wine Cellar
Image shows OeAI archaeologist Hanna Parow-Souchon (right), undated photo. She explained the location of the mammoth bones to the Langenlois City Councillor for Culture Sonja Fragner (centre) and the owner of the wine cellar Andreas Pernestorfer (left). (OeAW-OeAI, Th. Einwoegerer/Newsflash)

Vintner Discovers 40,000-Year-Old Mammoth Remains In His Wine Cellar

An Austrian vintner has made a remarkable discovery after stumbling upon 40,000-year-old mammoth bones while renovating his cellar for the coming harvest. Winemaker Andreas Pernerstorfer was stunned when he came…

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Read more about the article Bug Boffins Find Missing Link Wasp In 100-Million-Year-Old Amber
Image shows the 100-million-year-old wasp, undated photo. It was preserved in a small piece of amber from Myanmar. (MDPI/Newsflash)

Bug Boffins Find Missing Link Wasp In 100-Million-Year-Old Amber

Bug experts in Germany and France have unearthed a missing link wasp species trapped in a piece of amber around 100 million years ago that was found in Myanmar. Entomologists…

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Read more about the article 130-Million-Year-Old Fossil Reveals Male Mosquitoes Could Have Been Blood-Suckers, Too
Photo shows a male mosquito fossil that sucked dinosaur blood 130 years ago and it was found near Hammana, Lebanon, undated. The fossil proved that also the male mosquitoes could suck blood back then. (Chinese Academy of Sciences/AsiaWire)

130-Million-Year-Old Fossil Reveals Male Mosquitoes Could Have Been Blood-Suckers, Too

A new study led by expert palaeontologists has revealed that male mosquitoes also used to suck blood back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and only later moved to a diet…

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Read more about the article Five-Year-Old Boy Uncovers 500-Million-Year-Old Fossil On Family Hike
A 5-year-old boy discovers a 500-million-year-old paleontological fossil in Linyi, Shandong, China, undated. He discovered it while climbing the hill near Langgong Temple with his father. (yangjh365/AsiaWire)

Five-Year-Old Boy Uncovers 500-Million-Year-Old Fossil On Family Hike

A five-year-old boy unearths a 500-million-year-old fossil while accompanying his dad on a hike. Phone footage captured by his dad, surnamed Yang, shows the little boy, dressed in a red…

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Read more about the article Archaeologists Uncover Stunning Fossil Footprint Of Giant Bird That Roamed Atlantic Coast Eight Million Years Ago
Picture shows a scientist to examine the footprints found in Caleta de los Loros y Pozo Salado, Argentina, undated. The analysis of the footprints confirmed that its age is 8 million years, belonging to the Late Miocene era in which the dinosaurs were extinct and it was given the scientific name Rionegrina pozosaladensis. (Gobierno de Rio Negro/Newsflash)

Archaeologists Uncover Stunning Fossil Footprint Of Giant Bird That Roamed Atlantic Coast Eight Million Years Ago

Archaeologists in Argentina have uncovered a stunning fossil footprint of a giant bird that roamed the Atlantic coast about eight million years ago. The ancient bird, known as 'Rionegrina pozosaladensis',…

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Read more about the article Scientists Unearth Ancient New Frog Fossil
Picture shows the reconstruction of a new species of prehistoric amphibian, undated. It lived 100,000 years ago, the species inhabited the region during the Pleistocene in San Pedro, Argentina. (Museo Paleontologico Fray Manuel de Torres/Newsflash)

Scientists Unearth Ancient New Frog Fossil

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A new species of ancient wide-mouthed frog once prey to caveman hunters 100,000 years ago has been unearthed by scientists in Argentina. Fossil hunters discovered the remains of the amphibian's…

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Read more about the article Fossil Of Previously Unknown Snake With Intact Trachea Found In Disused Quarry Earmarked As Dump
Image shows the newly discovered snake, undated photo. Researchers from Germany stated that it is only 41 centimetres (16 inches) long and probably belongs to the python family. (Senckenberg, Behr/Newsflash)

Fossil Of Previously Unknown Snake With Intact Trachea Found In Disused Quarry Earmarked As Dump

A fossil believed to be a previously unknown species of snake with a well-preserved trachea has been discovered at a disused quarry in Germany. The Messel Pit which is near…

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