Read more about the article Vulture Falls Out Of Sky And Leaves Massive Dent And Smashed Windscreen In Parked Car
Image shows the dead vulture, undated photo. It dropped from the sky and broke a windshield in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (NF/newsX)

Vulture Falls Out Of Sky And Leaves Massive Dent And Smashed Windscreen In Parked Car

This footage shows a massively dented parked car after a vulture fell out of the sky and landed right on top of it. The incident took place in front of…

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Read more about the article German Pilots Rescued From Greenland’s Ice Cold Waters After Plane Crash
Image shows the rescue operation, undated photo. Two pilots were saved from Greenland's waters after their plane crashed on Monday, July 29, 2024. (Joint Arctic Command/Newsflash)

German Pilots Rescued From Greenland’s Ice Cold Waters After Plane Crash

Two German pilots have been rescued after their plane crashed in the ice-cold waters off the coast of Greenland. The single-engine Piper Malibu plane had travelled 800 miles from Goose…

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Read more about the article Mystery Surrounds Bizarre UFO Debris That Fell On Man’s Roof As Air Force Remains Tight-Lipped
Picture shows the unidentified object that fell from a sky in Sao Vicente, Brazil, undated. Michel Ramos dos Santos, 39, reportedly said he was frightened by the situation. (Michel Ramos dos Santos/Newsflash)

Mystery Surrounds Bizarre UFO Debris That Fell On Man’s Roof As Air Force Remains Tight-Lipped

Mystery surrounds bizarre pieces of burning debris that fell on a man's roof in Brazil, with the Air Force remaining tight-lipped over the incident. Michel Ramos dos Santos, 39, said…

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Read more about the article 12 Troopers Injured As NATO Anti-Russia Squad Tanks Crash In Mist
Photo shows illustrative image of a military tank, undated. 12 soldiers injured after tank crash in Bad Salzungen on Monday, November 27, 2023. (Newsflash )

12 Troopers Injured As NATO Anti-Russia Squad Tanks Crash In Mist

Six soldiers were rushed to hospital after their tanks collided during NATO manoeuvres in Germany because of heavy fog. Military officials say two Marder tanks collided in Bad Salzungen, Thuringia…

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Read more about the article Tank Commander Crushed To Death By Own Panzer
Photo shows the Leopard tank that overturned and fell over an embankment in Zwettl, Lower Austria on Monday, October 16, 2023. Soldier, 24, died. (Newsflash)

Tank Commander Crushed To Death By Own Panzer

A soldie was crushed to death by his 70-tonne battle tank when it smashed through a crash barrier and plunged down an embankment. The 24-year-old sergeant, who has not been…

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Read more about the article Honeybees Crash If They Look Into Mirrors, Study Reveals
Photo shows a bee near a mirror, undated. Study reveals that bees crash if they look into a mirorr. (Julien Serres, Constance Blary/Newsflash)

Honeybees Crash If They Look Into Mirrors, Study Reveals

Flying honeybees are more likely to crash if they fly over a mirror-smooth surface below them, a new scientific study has revealed. In a series of experiments, the bees were…

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Read more about the article Brit Survives As GBP 100k Sportscar Goes Flying Off Mountain Pass
Picture shows the car being removed from the side of the road, at Sella Pass, Italy, on Sunday, Aug. 27, 2023. The car was driven by a 46-year-old Englishman wo lost control and was injured. (Newsflash)

Brit Survives As GBP 100k Sportscar Goes Flying Off Mountain Pass

A 46-year-old English driver has survived a terrifying Italian Job-style crash after his yellow Lotus sportscar flew off a mountain pass in Italy. The crash happened on the 6,000-foot-high Sella…

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Read more about the article Two Dead In Mountain Peak Crash
Photo shows Daria Martynenko with her husband Andrey Martynenko, undated. She died after the helicopter she was in crashed in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin, Russia, Friday, Feb. 17, 2023. (Andrey Martynenko/Newsflash)

Two Dead In Mountain Peak Crash

A four-year-old boy has been left with his mother dead and his father injured after their helicopter slammed into a mountain peak. The couple had been on a pleasure trip…

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Read more about the article Driver Kills Mum-Of-Two Rider And Horse In Smash
Image shows a destroyed vehicle, undated photo. The driver of the car crashed it into rider Martina K., 61, and her horse in the district of Harburg, in Hamburg, Germany on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022. (Newsflash)

Driver Kills Mum-Of-Two Rider And Horse In Smash

A mother of two was killed when a 76-year-old SUV driver ploughed into her and her horse as she rode beside a country lane in Germany. Victim Martina K.'s white…

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Read more about the article Melting Swiss Glacier Reveals Human Skulls And 50-Year-Old Plane Crash
Image shows the plain wreckage in the Swiss Alps in an undated photo. Switzerland's melting glaciers revealed the remains of a plane that crashed on Sunday, June 30, 1968. (Konkordiahuette/Newsflash)

Melting Swiss Glacier Reveals Human Skulls And 50-Year-Old Plane Crash

Global warming has revealed gruesome human skulls and parts of a crashed plane entombed beneath an Alpine glacier for more than 50 years. The Piper PA-28 Cherokee had not been…

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