Read more about the article Canary Plays Dead At Vet’s
A canary pretends to be dead during a veterinarian examination in Kadikoy, Istanbul, Turkey, undated video. Canaries are known to instinctively behave that way when held. (@mahmutbaransahin/CEN)

Canary Plays Dead At Vet’s

Scared canary plays dead at a vet's to avoid being eaten. The play-dead stunt is reportedly instinctive and is believed to stem from the fact that the attack instinct of…

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Read more about the article Baby Girl Who Could Fit In Palm Of Hand At Birth Goes Home Healthy
Image shows little Leonie and her parents now, undated photo. She weighed only 350 grams (0.8 lbs) when she was born in July 2022. (Helios Klinikum Hildesheim/Newsflash)

Baby Girl Who Could Fit In Palm Of Hand At Birth Goes Home Healthy

This tiny baby girl who was born prematurely has finally gone home healthy after 108 days of care. Born 15 weeks early, baby Leonie weighed just 350 grammes, and doctors…

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Read more about the article Cops Seize Fighting Cocks Vet
Picture shows some of the rosters recovered during the operation, undated. Police arrested an unidentified veterinarian, 59, for animal abuse on rosters used for fights, in Valencia, Spain. (Newsflash)

Cops Seize Fighting Cocks Vet

A vet has been seized by police accused of illegally trimming and cutting the crests of more than 4,000 fighting roosters in Spain. The 59-year-old animal medic from Valencia -…

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Read more about the article The Only Viable Recorded Loggerhead Sea Turtle Egg Laid This Year In Spain Hatches At Oceanarium
Picture shows the only Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) that managed to survive from the 31 eggs of the only nest this season in Spain, undated. The eggs were laid on July 26, 2022, on the beach of Guardamar del Segura, and of all the eggs translocated to the Valencian aquarium, only two were fertile. (Oceanografic de Valencia/Newsflash)

The Only Viable Recorded Loggerhead Sea Turtle Egg Laid This Year In Spain Hatches At Oceanarium

The sole surviving hatchling of the only loggerhead sea turtle nest found in Spain this year has greeted the world for the first time in a new video from the…

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Read more about the article Giraffe Calf Waking Tall After Hi Tech Braces Cures Wonky Legs
Three-month-old giraffe calf thrives following unique orthotic leg brace treatment at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in San Diego, California, USA. (Ken Bohn, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance/Newsflash)

Giraffe Calf Waking Tall After Hi Tech Braces Cures Wonky Legs

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This cute giraffe calf has been given a new lease of life after having her crooked legs corrected with innovative brace treatment. Msituni, just three months old, was born at…

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Read more about the article Russian Rescue Dog With Four Prosthetic Legs To Start A New Life In London After Lying Crippled In Snow For Two Weeks
The world's first dog with four prosthetic legs flies from Russia to London, UK to live there with an animal rights activist. (@zoo_sos_krd/Newsflash)

Russian Rescue Dog With Four Prosthetic Legs To Start A New Life In London After Lying Crippled In Snow For Two Weeks

This rescue dog in Russia that has been fitted with four pathetic legs is set to start a new life in London after she was left with all four legs…

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Read more about the article Angel Of Death Serial Killer Nurse Jailed For Life For Murdering 85 Patients Will Testify Against 7 Colleagues
Niels Hogel, a former nurse who was sentenced to life imprisonment for killing patients at facilities he worked at in Germany. (Newsflash)

Angel Of Death Serial Killer Nurse Jailed For Life For Murdering 85 Patients Will Testify Against 7 Colleagues

The serial-killer nurse dubbed the 'Angel of Death', who was jailed for life for murdering 85 patients, is set to testify in a trial against seven of his colleagues, who…

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