Read more about the article Rare Turtle Found On German Beach Despite North Sea Usually Being Too Cold To Survive
Picture shows the rare turtle on a beach on Sylt, Germany, undated. It was found by holidaymakers on Christmas Eve. (Polizeidirektion Flensburg/NF/newsX)

Rare Turtle Found On German Beach Despite North Sea Usually Being Too Cold To Survive

An incredibly rare turtle that cannot normally survive in the North Sea has been discovered alive in the area as global warming continues to see temperatures rising. The loggerhead turtle…

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Read more about the article Antarctica’s Ancient Rainforest Revealed In Lump Of Amber, First-Ever To Be Discovered There
Image shows the 90-million-year-old amber, undated photo. It was found in Antarctica. (Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Johann P. Klages/NF/newsX)

Antarctica’s Ancient Rainforest Revealed In Lump Of Amber, First-Ever To Be Discovered There

A lump of amber unearthed in the South Pole that is the first ever to be discovered there has proven how Antarctica was once covered in lush rainforests. The amber,…

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Read more about the article Climate Eco Nuts Disband Saying People Will Never Change
Image shows Last Generation Austria members protesting, undated photo. The organisation announced they are ending all protests on August 6, 2024. (Last Generation Austria/Newsflash)

Climate Eco Nuts Disband Saying People Will Never Change

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A Just Stop Oil-style group of eco-extremists have disbanded in Austria after telling followers they've been fined, arrested, and threatened into extinction. The Last Generation group have become notorious for…

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Read more about the article Climate Activists Dye Water In UNESCO World Heritage Site To Protest Against Chemical Company
Image shows activists from the Climate Justice Kassel group, undated photo. They targeted the UNESCO World Heritage Site Bergpark Wilhelmshoehe, in Kassel, Germany. (Newsflash)

Climate Activists Dye Water In UNESCO World Heritage Site To Protest Against Chemical Company

German climate activists have dyed the waters of a UNESCO World Heritage Site vivid green to raise their voice against a chemical company's environmental impact. Visitors to Bergpark Wilhelmshoehe in…

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Read more about the article West Antarctica Was Forest For Millions Of Years Longer Than Previously Thought
Image shows rendered graphic of the MARUM-MeBo70, undated photo. It can be seen landing on the seabed of the Amundsen Sea. (MARUM, Martin Kuensting/Newsflash)

West Antarctica Was Forest For Millions Of Years Longer Than Previously Thought

Climate scientists say West Antarctica was ice-free for millions of years longer than previously thought and the big freeze probably only happened 7 million years later. An international team of…

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Read more about the article Rare Snap Of Snow Leopard Caught Out By Summer Melt
Footage shows the Amur leopard in the Land of the Leopard National Park, Primorsky Krai in the Russian Far East, undated. The Amur leopard is also known as the Far East leopard. (@leopard_land/Newsflash)

Rare Snap Of Snow Leopard Caught Out By Summer Melt

Magnificent Amur leopard does not seem to know whether it is summer-ing or going as its coat is apparently caught out by a rapid spring thaw. Rare footage from a…

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Read more about the article Antarctic’s ‘Stable’ Glaciers Are Melting From Below, New Study Shows
Image shows a sediment core from East Antarctica, undated photo. Polarstern will return to its porn in Bremerhaven, Germany, after a six-month-long Antarctic mission. (Alfred Wegener Institute, Lester Lembke-Jene/Newsflash)

Antarctic’s ‘Stable’ Glaciers Are Melting From Below, New Study Shows

Huge glaciers once thought to be stable in eastern Antarctica are melting from below as warmer water flows erode their roots, a new scientific study has revealed. The six-month study…

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Read more about the article Searing Mexican Heatwave Kills Parrots In Mid Air
Birds lying dead after collapsing to the ground due to dehydration and heat stroke amidst a heat wave in the states of Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi, Mexico, undated. According to authorities, temperatures were up to 54 degrees Celsius, which the birds cannot tolerate. (Selva Teenek Ecopark/Newsflash)

Searing Mexican Heatwave Kills Parrots In Mid Air

Aftermath of a killer heatwave that is devastating populations of birds and animals in Mexico. Stricken creatures have been simply dropping dead as extreme temperatures soar to up to 54…

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Read more about the article Climate Activists’ Campaign Of Spraying Xmas Trees In Germany
Photo shows a climate activist standing in front of a Christmas tree that was sprayed with orange paint at a major German city, undated. They painted Christmas trees in several major German cities. (@AufstandLastGen/CEN)

Climate Activists’ Campaign Of Spraying Xmas Trees In Germany

Climate activists have been tackling Christmas trees instead of artwork by spraying them orange in locations across Germany to highlight global warming. Please report that huge Christmas trees in town…

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Read more about the article Oldest Sea Reptile Found On Arctic Island Mountain
Image shows a reconstruction of the earliest ichthyosaur and the 250-million-year-old ecosystem found on Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, undated photo. A team of Swedish and Norwegian palaeontologists has discovered remains of the earliest known ichthyosaur or 'fish-lizard' on the remote Arctic island of Spitsbergen. (Esther van Hulsen/Newsflash)

Oldest Sea Reptile Found On Arctic Island Mountain

Ancient remains of a terrifying 250-million-year-old sea reptile have been found halfway up a mountain in Norway. The ichthyosaur fossil shows that the feared ocean predator apparently existed long before…

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