Read more about the article Zoo Denies Abuse After Dongdong The Gorilla Drags Squealing Piglet Around Like Rag Doll
A gorilla drags a piglet at a zoo in Weihai, Shandong, China, Saturday, Jun. 15, 2024. They were together in the same cage. (tp1575359060/AsiaWire)

Zoo Denies Abuse After Dongdong The Gorilla Drags Squealing Piglet Around Like Rag Doll

A zoo in China has denied abuse after one of its resident gorillas, Dongdong, was filmed dragging a tiny piglet around its enclosure like a rag doll. The shocking footage…

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Read more about the article Chinese Authorities Spray Paint Trees Green But Claim Its Fertiliser
Chinese greening workers spray "green paint" on trees at Xinghai Square in Dalian, China on May 13 2024. (AsiaWire)

Chinese Authorities Spray Paint Trees Green But Claim Its Fertiliser

These images show the authorities in China apparently spray-painting trees green. The footage, filmed in Dalian, a port city in Liaoning province, shows workers spraying green paint on yellow-green trees…

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Read more about the article Devotees Claim Miracle As Virgin Mary Statue Weeps
The Virgin of Dolores allegedly cries in the El Chanal community in the state of Colima, Mexico, undated. The Virgin statue has red eyes and tears on her cheeks. (CEN)

Devotees Claim Miracle As Virgin Mary Statue Weeps

Churchgoers and devotees have claimed a miracle after they discovered a small statue of the Virgin Mary appeared to be shedding tears. The 'crying' figure was recorded by stunned visitors…

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Read more about the article Mosow Couple Who Bought Luxury Crimea Flat At Auction Claim They Didn’t Know It Was Zelensky’s
Photo shows Olga Likhovskaya, undated. Likhovskaya is the new owner of the Emperor's House residential complex in the Black Sea resort of Yalta, Crimea. (Newsflash)

Mosow Couple Who Bought Luxury Crimea Flat At Auction Claim They Didn’t Know It Was Zelensky’s

A Moscow couple who bought a penthouse Crimean apartment after it was 'nationalised' after being taken from President Zelensky and his wife are reportedly delighted with the bargain buy. But…

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Read more about the article Veg Plots For Rent At Beet-hoven’s Cemetery
Image shows the grave of Ludwig van Beethoven, in the city of Vienna, Austria, undated photo. Austrian citizens will be able to grow vegetables at the cemetery. (Newsflash)

Veg Plots For Rent At Beet-hoven’s Cemetery

Burial officials in Austria are opening up unused graves in cemeteries where gardeners can grow organic veg alongside the dearly departed. The bizarre plan means anyone with a burial plot…

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Read more about the article Man Finds Gold Worth EUR 135,000 In Apartment Clean Up
Image shows the two gold bars worth EUR 135,000 (GBP 118,633), undated photo. They were found by a 29-year-old while cleaning his apartment in the city of Heidelberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg State, Germany, on Friday, April 7, 2023. (Mannheim Police Headquarters/Newsflash)

Man Finds Gold Worth EUR 135,000 In Apartment Clean Up

A man who found two gold bars and golden coins worth EUR 135,000 when he decluttered his apartment has lodged a claim to keep the lot. Police in the city…

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Read more about the article Robot Dogs To Soon Explore The Surface Of Mars, Researchers Claim
Image shows the VaMEx-3 project, which is funded by the German Space Agency at DLR with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), undated photo. It enables cooperation between different robot systems that are intended to land on Mars one day. (TZI, University of Bremen/Newsflash)

Robot Dogs To Soon Explore The Surface Of Mars, Researchers Claim

A swarm of robotic dogs, wheeled vehicles and flying drones are planned to be the next to start exploring Mars after the success of the NASA Mars Rover project. There…

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Read more about the article Threatened Sea Anemones Now Living In UK Waters As Well Can Learn Without Possessing A Brain
Picture shows the starlet sea anemone, undated. These sea creatures can learn without a brain according to a new study by Simon Sprecher, a neurobiologist at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. (Newsflash)

Threatened Sea Anemones Now Living In UK Waters As Well Can Learn Without Possessing A Brain

Researchers claim to have found that it is not necessary to have a brain in order to learn something. The remarkable discovery was made by Prof. Simon Sprecher from the…

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Read more about the article Russians Fly Over Arctic In Balloon And Claim Longest Flight World Record
Picture shows traveler Fedor Konyukhov (right) and president of the Russian Ballooning Federation Ivan Menyailo (left) near landed air expedition balloon at Khatanga Airport, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia on Sunday, Mar. 26. 2023. Russian travelers broke world record for longest flight on their hot air balloon. ( @FKonyukhov/Newsflash)

Russians Fly Over Arctic In Balloon And Claim Longest Flight World Record

Two Russians have flown over the Arctic in a hot air balloon and claim to have broken the world record for the longest non-stop flight distance in a thermal balloon.…

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