Read more about the article Serial 95-Year-Old Holocaust Denier Who Claims Auschwitz Gas Chambers Didn’t Exist
Image shows Ursula Haverbeck, 95, at the Hamburg District Court, Germany, undated photo. She was sentenced to one year and four months in prison on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. (Newsflash)

Serial 95-Year-Old Holocaust Denier Who Claims Auschwitz Gas Chambers Didn’t Exist

A Nazi grandma who married an SS official and spent decades denying the Holocaust has been sentenced to jail again for claiming Auschwitz was never a death camp. Judges at…

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Read more about the article Nazi Camp Secretary Breaks 14-Month-Long Silence In Court And Says She Is Sorry For All That Happened
The former concentration camp secretary Irmgard Furchner in the Itzehoe regional court. (Newsflash)

Nazi Camp Secretary Breaks 14-Month-Long Silence In Court And Says She Is Sorry For All That Happened

A 97-year-old former SS Nazi death camp secretary has broken her silence in court and said she was sorry for the over 11,000 murders known to have been carried out…

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Read more about the article Archaeologists Find Ancient Roman Fridge With Food Leftovers In Bulgaria
Image shows an ancient fridge, undated photo. It was found in the post-ancient city of Novae, Bulgaria. (P. Dyczek/Newsflash)

Archaeologists Find Ancient Roman Fridge With Food Leftovers In Bulgaria

Archaeologists have unearthed an ancient 'fridge' that still contained food leftovers in a former Roman military camp in Bulgaria. The object, built from ceramic plates, was found in the Novae…

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Read more about the article Only Humans And Tuskers Use Their Nose And Mouth To Create  Sound
Image shows scientists Veronika Beeck (right) and Michael Kerscher (left) in Nepal in an undated photo. (Veronika Beeck/Newsflash)

Only Humans And Tuskers Use Their Nose And Mouth To Create Sound

Humans and elephants are the only mammals to combine their mouths and their noses to create sounds, a new study has revealed. Cognitive biologists Veronika Beeck and Angela Stoger-Horwath and…

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Read more about the article Neanderthal Skull Reveals Secrets Of Ancient Community
The partial remains of a Neanderthal skull, undated. They were discovered at the Abric Romani site in Capellades, Spain. (IPHES-CERCA/Newsflash)

Neanderthal Skull Reveals Secrets Of Ancient Community

A newly unearthed Neanderthal skull has revealed how our ancient cousins could have been around for thousands of years longer than we think, say experts. The skull fragments were discovered…

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Read more about the article 101-Year-Old SS Guard Appeals Five Years Behind Bars
The 101-year-old former concentration camp guard Josef Schuetz hiding his face in the Neuruppin Regional Court in Germany before being sentenced to five years in jail. (Newsflash)

101-Year-Old SS Guard Appeals Five Years Behind Bars

A 101-year-old Nazi death camp SS guard has appealed after being given a five-year jail sentence for aiding in the murder of 3,518 victims. The Neuruppin district court in Brandenburg,…

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Read more about the article Jewish Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor Testifies Against Former Secretary, 96, In German Court
The former concentration camp secretary Irmgard Furchner in the Itzehoe regional court. (Newsflash)

Jewish Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor Testifies Against Former Secretary, 96, In German Court

A Jewish survivor of the Stutthof Nazi concentration camp has testified in court against a former secretary who is on trial for complicity in over 11,000 cases of murder and…

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