Read more about the article Ancient Graveyard With Bodies Wrapped In Tree Bark Found Beneath Burned Down Church
Photo shows a burial in a birch bark bundle on the territory of the burnt Uspenskaya church in Kondopoga, Republic of Karelia, Russia, undated. Archaeologists discovered an intact necropolis. (Institute of Archeology of RAS/Newsflash)

Ancient Graveyard With Bodies Wrapped In Tree Bark Found Beneath Burned Down Church

An ancient graveyard with bodies buried wrapped in ritual birch bark has been unearthed by archaeologists under a burned-down church in Russia. The cemetery, which dates back to the 1100s,…

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Read more about the article Crematoriums Make Fortunes Flogging Off Departed’s Gold Teeth
Image shows a cremation process, undated photo. Crematoria in Switzerland reportedly collet dental gold from the deceased without their families' knowledge. (Newsflash)

Crematoriums Make Fortunes Flogging Off Departed’s Gold Teeth

Crematoriums are facing a furious backlash after new figures revealed they are making huge sums from selling off gold harvested from the bodies they incinerate. Swiss consumer magazine Saldo has…

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Read more about the article 4,000 Year Old Corpses Were Victims Of Black Death
Image shows the grave of a man aged 22-27, undated photo. He died of the plague around 4,000 years ago at a burial ground in the municipality of Drasenhofen, Lower Austria State, Austria. (OeAW, Archaeprotect/Newsflash)

4,000 Year Old Corpses Were Victims Of Black Death

The 4,000-year-old bodies of two prehistoric men have been identified as among the world's oldest known plague victims. The two Early Bronze Age corpses - aged between 22 and 30…

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Read more about the article Demand For Ingredients To Embalm Bodies Fuelled Development Of Global Trade Network 3,000 Years Ago
Image shows the Saqqara Saite Tombs Project excavation area, in Giza, Egypt, overlooking the pyramid of Unas and the step pyramid of Djoser facing north, undated photo. Researchers have discovered new insights into how ancient Egyptians embalmed the bodies of their dead. (Saqqara Saite Tombs Project, University of Tuebingen, S. Beck/Newsflash)

Demand For Ingredients To Embalm Bodies Fuelled Development Of Global Trade Network 3,000 Years Ago

Groundbreaking research made possible by the discovery of an ancient embalming studio has allowed scientists to finally discover the secret recipes with ingredients from all over the world used by…

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Read more about the article Amputated Sea Spiders Can Regrow Their Rear Ends, Says Study
Image shows two sea spider (Pycnogonum litorale) individuals next to their prey - a sea anemone, undated photo. When researchers from the University of Vienna, Austria, illuminated them with a UV light source, the spiders fluoresce bright blue. (Georg Brenneis/Newsflash)

Amputated Sea Spiders Can Regrow Their Rear Ends, Says Study

Amputated sea spiders can regrow large parts of their bodies including their rear ends and reproductive organs, a new study has shown. Biologists discovered that the species of sea spiders…

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Read more about the article Mass Grave With 38 Headless Skeletons Found At 7,000-Year-Old Site
Image shows two of the 38 decapitated skeletons, undated photo. The scientists still do not know why their heads were removed in the town of Vrable, in the Nitra Region, Slovakia. (Dr Till Kuehl, Institute for Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology, Kiel University/Newsflash )

Mass Grave With 38 Headless Skeletons Found At 7,000-Year-Old Site

A 7,000-year-old prehistoric grave with 38 decapitated skeletons could contain the remains of victims of Stone Age headhunters, it has emerged. Astonished archaeologists unearthed the mass grave in Slovakia where…

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Read more about the article Mystery Animals Frozen Under Glacier Were Bodies Of 7000-Year-Old Wild Goats
Image shows the remains of a whole herd of ibex found on the Lodner mountain, undated photo. Four climbers found remains of at least 15 animals dating back to the Neolithic Age on the Lodner mountain, in the Oetztal Alps in South Tyrol, Italy, in July 2022. (LPA, Forststation St. Leonhard/Newsflash)

Mystery Animals Frozen Under Glacier Were Bodies Of 7000-Year-Old Wild Goats

These devilish-looking horned skulls spotted by climbers in the Italian Alps have been identified by UK scientists as belonging to prehistoric wild goats that died more than 7,000 years ago.…

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Read more about the article Study Suggests Mercenaries May Have Helped Ancient Greeks Turn The Tide Of War Against Carthaginians
Picture shows a mass grave from the battle of Himera in 409 BC, undated. Genomes from the remains reveal the genetic diversity of the soldiers. (University of Vienna/Newsflash)

Study Suggests Mercenaries May Have Helped Ancient Greeks Turn The Tide Of War Against Carthaginians

Researchers have discovered that mercenaries may have helped Greeks battle Carthaginians in Sicily over 2,500 years ago. DNA analysis of 54 bodies found in mass graves revealed that a decent…

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Read more about the article Astonished Researchers Find Penguins Free Of Microplastics
Image shows an emperor penguin colony near the Neumayer station of the Alfred Wegener Institute in an undated photo. A 2022 study showed that young emperor penguins swim far north beyond the 50th parallel south in their first year of life in Antarctica. (Alfred Wegener Institut, Aymeric Houstin/Newsflash)

Astonished Researchers Find Penguins Free Of Microplastics

Overjoyed researchers have revealed how a new study of the diet of emperor penguins shows they have no trace of microplastic in their bodies. Doctoral candidate from the Department of…

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