Read more about the article Experts Say Famous 20ft Anaconda Ana Julia Found Dead In Rainforest Passed Away Naturally
Picture shows the snake measuring almost 7 meters found dead in Bonito, Brazil, undated. Giant anaconda is found in a putrefactive state and must undergo forensic examination. (@cdimitrius/Newsflash)

Experts Say Famous 20ft Anaconda Ana Julia Found Dead In Rainforest Passed Away Naturally

A famous anaconda called Ana Julia measuring over 20 feet long who featured in documentaries and had been a regional symbol for years has been found dead in the rainforest…

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Read more about the article Bee Venom Study Hints Breast Cancer Treatment Prospect
The venom of wild bees such as the violet carpenter bee (Xylocopa violacea), with its main component melittin, is less aggressive than that of honey bees, a team from the LOEWE Center TBG discovered, undated photo. In the future, it could be used against breast cancer cells, among other things. (Bjrn M. von Reumont/Newsflash)

Bee Venom Study Hints Breast Cancer Treatment Prospect

The venomous substance produced by one of the most common wild bee species could help to treat breast cancer, according to scientists in Germany. Researchers at Goethe University and the…

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Read more about the article 60 Per Cent Of Creepy Crawlies Are Threatened With Extinction
Image shows a true leaf insect or a walking leaf, undated photo. The Zurich Zoo in Switzerland raised awareness against the global insect biodiversity loss on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. (Zoo Zurich, Rita Schlegel/Newsflash)

60 Per Cent Of Creepy Crawlies Are Threatened With Extinction

A Swiss zoo has predicted that almost 60 per cent of all insect species in the country are threatened with extinction. Experts from Zurich Zoo say that the declining insect…

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Read more about the article Research Study Shows Massive Biodiversity Loss In German Flora In Past Century
Image shows the elevation of an area in the the Otztal Alps in Austria, undated photo. The repeated survey of the frequency of plants in many small long-term observation areas allows conclusions to be drawn about large-scale population trends. (Krystof Chytry/Newsflash)

Research Study Shows Massive Biodiversity Loss In German Flora In Past Century

An international research study has indicated a massive loss of biodiversity in Germany in the past century. The team from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) analysed multiple local studies including…

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Read more about the article EUR 100 Bonus For Beekeeping Newbies In Austrian Town
Sustainability officer Deputy Mayor Sarah Katholnig and Franz Primig from the Villach Beekeeping Association with city green employees at the beehives in the technology park in undated photo. Villach promotes work with bees. (Karin Wernig/Newsflash)

EUR 100 Bonus For Beekeeping Newbies In Austrian Town

City officials in Austria are offering financial support for anyone taking up beekeeping in a bid to improve the region’s ecosystem. The council of Villach, in the southern province of…

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Read more about the article Scientists Create World’s Largest Chimp DNA Genome From Poop
Given the almost complete absence of chimpanzee fossils, the genetic information from current populations is crucial for describing their evolutionary history, according to German and Spanish scientists. (Pixabay/Newsflash)

Scientists Create World’s Largest Chimp DNA Genome From Poop

An international team of experts has compiled the world's largest wild chimp genomic catalogue by sequencing DNA found in hundreds of samples of ape poo. The team was led by…

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Read more about the article New Endangered Lizard Species Discovered In Inca City Machu Picchu
Proctoporus katerynae, was discovered in the buffer zone of the Machiguenga Communal Reserve near Cusco, Peru, and named after renowned biologist Kateryn Pino Bolaños. (Sernanp/Newsflash)

New Endangered Lizard Species Discovered In Inca City Machu Picchu

A new species of lizard that was classified as endangered almost as soon as it was found has been discovered in the Inca city of Machu Picchu and has been…

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Read more about the article Organic Farming Not Always Best Option For Bees, Study Shows
Flower strips next to a conventional wheat field near Sebexen in the district of Northeim, Germany. (Costanza Geppert/Newsflash)

Organic Farming Not Always Best Option For Bees, Study Shows

Organic farming is not necessarily the best option to protect wild bees, German researchers have found. Agroecologists of Goettingen University in the German State of Lower Saxony say that their…

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Read more about the article Dinosaur Extinction Slowed Down Evolution Of New Plants
The large, woody fruits of the Manicaria saccifera palm that depend on large animals for their dispersal. (John Dransfield, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew/Newsflash)

Dinosaur Extinction Slowed Down Evolution Of New Plants

The extinction of dinosaur had a significant impact on the development of plants, a new study has shown. Experts at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) in the…

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