Read more about the article Rare Bald Ibises Reintroduced At Great Cost Under Threat From Poaching In Italy
Image shows northern bald ibises in a rocky niche near Ueberlingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg State, Germany. Experts used 3D-printed dummies to help the species breed in the wild. (Dennis Pflegehaar/Newsflash)

Rare Bald Ibises Reintroduced At Great Cost Under Threat From Poaching In Italy

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A rare species of bird, the northern bald Ibis, which had been wiped out in Europe and reintroduced at great expense in Austria, is under threat as Italian hunters kill…

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Read more about the article Sheikh Files Legal Challenge When 100M In Shares Stolen In Bulgaria After He Raised Money Laundering Concerns
Illustrative image shows Investbank AD, undated. A wealthy Arab sheikh has filed a lawsuit alleging that he was defrauded out of 100 million euros of shares in a Bulgarian bank. (GoogleMaps/NF/newsX)

Sheikh Files Legal Challenge When 100M In Shares Stolen In Bulgaria After He Raised Money Laundering Concerns

A wealthy Arab sheikh has filed a lawsuit alleging that he was defrauded out of a EUR 100 million investment in a Bulgarian bank days after Austria lifted a veto…

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Read more about the article Judges Rule In Last Lap Of Five Year Inheritance Battle
Image shows former Austrian F1 driver Andreas Nikolaus "Niki" Lauda, undated photo. His wife Birgit Wetzinger, aged 44, from the city of Vienna, Austria, sued her late husband's foundation for a staggering EUR 30 million (GBP 26 million). (Newsflash)

Judges Rule In Last Lap Of Five Year Inheritance Battle

Formula One legend Niki Lauda's GBP 445 million legacy has been finalised in a ruling by Austria's Supreme Court. Judges upheld a claim by his 45-year-old widow, Birgit Lauda, that…

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Read more about the article Man Spots Great Granny In Church’s Stained-Glass Window
Image shows the stained glass window in Linz's Mariendom, undated photo. It shows the Steineder family (the man on the right is Leopold Steineder, city carpenter of Linz, behind him his underage son Hans Steineder). (Federal Monuments Office, Bettina Neubauer-Pregl/Newsflash)

Man Spots Great Granny In Church’s Stained-Glass Window

Art experts restoring a cathedral's stained glass windows in Austria were astonished when a local identified five of his ancestors in the artwork. Art historians have been conducting a painstaking…

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Read more about the article Empress Sisi’s Hungarian Velvet Jacket Sells For GBP 52,000 At Austrian Auction
Image shows Empress Sisi's jacket from 1880, undated photo. It sold for EUR 62.400 (GBP 52,733) in Vienna, Austria. (Dorotheum/Newsflash)

Empress Sisi’s Hungarian Velvet Jacket Sells For GBP 52,000 At Austrian Auction

A Hungarian velvet jacket that once belonged to Empress Sisi has sold for GBP 52,000 at auction in Austria. The auction took place in Vienna on 11th June, and saw…

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Read more about the article Adorable Armadillo’s Easter Egg Treats Before Health Check
Picture shows ball armadillo with colourful eggs, undated. When threatened, ball armadillos quickly roll up into a ball. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

Adorable Armadillo’s Easter Egg Treats Before Health Check

Adorable armadillo is treated to special Easter egg treats before a weigh-in health check at a zoo in Austria. Keepers at Schonbrunn Zoo, Vienna, served up the special treat for…

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Read more about the article Rescued Rainforst Lizard’s Adorable Babies
Photo shows adult male chameleon at Zoo Vienna, undated. Offspring of critically endangered chameleons on 'Reverse the Red Day'. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

Rescued Rainforst Lizard’s Adorable Babies

Adorable offspring of endangered rainforest chameleons rescued from animal traffickers in Austria. The youngster is one of four who were born after their mother was found being smuggled through Vienna…

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Read more about the article London-Based German Billionaire To Lose Austrian Hunting Estate For Not Killing Wild Deer
Illustrative image shows Kaisertal in Tyrol, Austria, undated. The Henkel family is set to lose their hunting grounds. (Newsflash)

London-Based German Billionaire To Lose Austrian Hunting Estate For Not Killing Wild Deer

A London-based German billionaire is set to lose his Austrian hunting lodge in Tirol because he does not hunt, causing the deer population to expand out of control. Austrian media…

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Read more about the article Police Seize Guns, Ammo And Nazi Propaganda In Raids
Photo shows the weapons that Salzburg police seized, undated. They were found during house searches in the National Socialist milieu on Thursday, January 11, 2024. (LSE SALZBURG/Newsflash)

Police Seize Guns, Ammo And Nazi Propaganda In Raids

A terrifying cache of Nazi memorabilia, guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition have been seized during police raids on homes in Austria. Prosecutors staged the raids on 11th January…

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Read more about the article Short Exercise Reduces Craving For Cigarettes Austrian Study Reveals
Photo shows Medical University of Innsbruck, undated. Study says fast walking helps to quit smoking. (Newsflash)

Short Exercise Reduces Craving For Cigarettes Austrian Study Reveals

A new study has revealed that just a little bit of exercise can reduce a person's cravings for a cigarette. Scientists from Innsbruck in Austria have made the revelation just…

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