Read more about the article Man Spots Great Granny In Church’s Stained-Glass Window
Image shows the stained glass window in Linz's Mariendom, undated photo. It shows the Steineder family (the man on the right is Leopold Steineder, city carpenter of Linz, behind him his underage son Hans Steineder). (Federal Monuments Office, Bettina Neubauer-Pregl/Newsflash)

Man Spots Great Granny In Church’s Stained-Glass Window

Art experts restoring a cathedral's stained glass windows in Austria were astonished when a local identified five of his ancestors in the artwork. Art historians have been conducting a painstaking…

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Read more about the article Fishermen Find Rare 5,000-Year-Old Dolphin Skull
Photo shows the skull of a 5,000-year-old fossilised dolphin, undated. It was discovered by two fishermen in San Pedro, Argentina. (Museo Paleontologico de San Pedro "Fray Manuel de Torres"/Newsflash)

Fishermen Find Rare 5,000-Year-Old Dolphin Skull

A pair of anglers out fishing to feed their families have astonished academics after hooking a 5,000-year-old fossilised dolphin skull from a river 250 miles from the coast. Damian Crispien…

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Read more about the article Wild Panther Takes Cat Nap In Golf Club Shrubbery
Photo shows the panther caught in a Florida country club, undated. The animal was taking a nap near a stairwell. (Lee County Sheriff's Office/Newsflash)

Wild Panther Takes Cat Nap In Golf Club Shrubbery

Astonished golf club staff called police when they found a wild panther cat napping in the shrubbery as it sheltered from the Florida sun. The big cat was discovered snoozing…

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Read more about the article Air Trafficker Caught With 138 Leeches In Suitcase
Image shows the protected leeches, undated photo. They were found in the luggage of a woman at the Stuttgart Airport, Germany, on Sunday, Nov. 26, 2023. (Main Customs Office Stuttgart/Newsflash)

Air Trafficker Caught With 138 Leeches In Suitcase

A woman caught trafficking 138 live leeches hidden in her suitcase is facing wildlife abuse charges after being caught by astonished customs officials in Germany. The 62-year-old passenger had arrived…

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Read more about the article Stowaway Hopped Lift From Thailand In Family’s Luggage
Photo shows a Duttaphrynus melanostictus, commonly called an Asian common toad, undated. A Spanish family found a toad in their suitcase after returning from a holiday in Thailand. (Agents Rurals/CEN)

Stowaway Hopped Lift From Thailand In Family’s Luggage

A family coming back from a dream trip to Thailand were astonished when they found a toad had hopped a lift in their suitcase. The family had been unpacking at…

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Read more about the article Amazed Cops Find Gold Worth EUR 3 Million And EUR 500,000 Cash In Family Car
Image shows the seized EUR 3 million (GBP 2.6 million) worth of gold and the EUR 500,000 (GBP 434,599) in cash, undated photo. A 60-year-old driver and a 42-year-old passenger were arrested on suspicion of money laundering in Bavaria, Germany, on Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023.Licensed content. (Lower Bavaria Police Headquarters/Newsflash)

Amazed Cops Find Gold Worth EUR 3 Million And EUR 500,000 Cash In Family Car

Astonished cops have seized a EUR 3.5 million fortune found in a couple's car during a routine traffic stop in Germany. Police pulled over the car in Hunderdorf, Bavaria State,…

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Read more about the article Ancients Were Cremated With Animals And Favourite Jewellery, Scans Show
Image shows the Late Bronze Age urn, undated photo. It contained human remains when it was found at the city of St. Poelten, Lower Austria State, Austria. (Waltenberger, OeAW, OeAI/Newsflash)

Ancients Were Cremated With Animals And Favourite Jewellery, Scans Show

Astonished scientists investigating Bronze Age burial urns have discovered that ancients were cremated with animals and their jewellery. CT scans carried out by Austrian experts have revealed that ashes found…

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Read more about the article Man Finds Gold Worth EUR 135,000 In Apartment Clean Up
Image shows the two gold bars worth EUR 135,000 (GBP 118,633), undated photo. They were found by a 29-year-old while cleaning his apartment in the city of Heidelberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg State, Germany, on Friday, April 7, 2023. (Mannheim Police Headquarters/Newsflash)

Man Finds Gold Worth EUR 135,000 In Apartment Clean Up

A man who found two gold bars and golden coins worth EUR 135,000 when he decluttered his apartment has lodged a claim to keep the lot. Police in the city…

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Read more about the article Forgotten Potato Takes Over Kitchen
Footage shows a potato that grew huge tentacles in Shenyang, Liaoning in China, undated. The couple who was on a trip for two months were surprised when they returned. (W1_26_1998/AsiaWire )

Forgotten Potato Takes Over Kitchen

A long-forgotten potato left in a kitchen for months astonished a homeowner in China by sending out shoots that took over the room. The super spud sprouted at Mr Wang's…

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