Read more about the article How Critically Endangered Frogs Do Press Ups To Boost Survival
Image shows a Titicaca water frog at Schoenbrunn Zoo, Vienna, Austria, undated photo. The animal does underwater push-ups according to a recent study. (Schoenbrunn Zoo, Rupert Kainradl/Newsflash)

How Critically Endangered Frogs Do Press Ups To Boost Survival

Critically endangered frogs show off the amazing underwater press-up skills that help them survive in the wild. The huge aquatic Titicaca water frog is found only in a single water…

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Read more about the article Six Rorquals Including Mum And Calf Spotted Off Spanish Coast
A whale and her calf swim along the Catalan coast between Comarruga and Calafell, undated. It had been six years since the Association for the Study and Disclosure of the Aquatic Environment (EDMAKTUB) had seen a similar scene. (Asociacion EDMAKTUB/Newsflash)

Six Rorquals Including Mum And Calf Spotted Off Spanish Coast

These images show how six fin whales, including a mother and her calf, were spotted off Spain's Mediterranean coast. The Association for the Study and Dissemination of the Aquatic Environment…

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Read more about the article Fury As Tourist Boats Chase Endangered Fin Whales
Boats chasing and harassing whales off in the coast of Denia, in the Costa Blanca area, Spain, t between the 24th and 26th June, 2022. (Edmaktub/Newsflash)

Fury As Tourist Boats Chase Endangered Fin Whales

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This is the moment tourist boats chase a pod of endangered fin whales off the southern Spanish coast, sparking fury among animal rights groups. The footage was filmed by members…

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Read more about the article New Ocean Going Dino Species Had Massive Tail To Swim At Speed
Fossil of marine reptile with world's longest tail discovered in China. (Institute of Ancient Spine, Chinese Academy of Sciences/AsiaWire)

New Ocean Going Dino Species Had Massive Tail To Swim At Speed

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A previously unknown species of aquatic reptile which had the longest ever recorded tail has been discovered by scientists in China. The newly discovered prehistoric creature dubbed "Long-tailed Red River…

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Read more about the article Mayfly That Probably Only Lived For Minutes Survives 125 Million Years As Fossil
The 125 million year old flying insect fossil that was found in the Crato Formation from researchers from the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES), Regional University of Cariri (URCA) and the Federal University of Vicosa, that is considered to be the second adult fossil of the 'Oligoneuriidae' family

Mayfly That Probably Only Lived For Minutes Survives 125 Million Years As Fossil

A prehistoric mayfly that probably only may have only lived for minutes before dying has managed to survive as a fossil for up to 125 million years before being found…

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