Rare Albino Roe Rescued By Locals Passes Away

A two-month-old albino doe who hit the headlines in Spain after she was rejected by her herd and rescued by locals has died.

The young roe deer was found weak, fragile, and all on her own in Viveiro, Lugo Province, on 2nd April.

She was taken to an animal shelter, where she was found to be sick with mange and internal parasitosis.

The female – who had striking white fur, pink skin, and blue eyes – passed away on 14th April.

It is believed that her distinctive appearance had made her a target for predators and that this had caused her to be rejected by her herd.

Picture shows the albino deer, undated. It died of mange parasitosis, in Viveiro , Spain, on Friday, April 14, 2023. (Newsflash)

It is known that due to her probable albinism, she was severely visually impaired and “ran into a bike” before her rescue, according to local man Carlos Mendez.

Mendez said that at the shelter, the young roe deer sought and “appreciated” company, “alone as she was in the world”.

Her carers quarantined her, treated her, and protected her from direct sunlight, but in the end, it was not enough to save her life.

Mendez said: “We did everything we could, and we had hoped that if the Xunta de Galicia allowed us, we could keep her.”

Following the female’s untimely passing, she was buried in the forest in the San Roque area of Viveiro.

Albinism is a rare condition that can cause eye problems and very pale skin that burns easily in the sun.

Globally, one in 17,000 humans is affected. However, in some places, like Africa, it is more common.

The roe deer is categorised by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as a species of least concern, as it is plentiful in the wild.

Specimens typically have reddish and grey-brown fur.

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Story By: William McGee, Sub-Editor:  Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash

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