Parents Get Cash For Naming Kid GoPay After e-Pay Firm

A couple in Indonesia who named their newborn baby GoPay after the popular local electronic payment system have been rewarded with money as a result.

Baby GoPay was born in Karyamukti village located in Indonesia’s Lampung province on 18th February.

As a thank you for the publicity they obtained, the electronic payment system firm has agreed to pay the father Anton and mother Aryanti 500,000 IDR (26.70 GBP) in Go-Pay credits each month to give the youngster a start in life.

Credit: AsiaWire
The company announced that they will provide a monthly amount to into the family`s account as a bonus for naming their newborn Gopay

The decision to name the boy GoPay was confirmed on Go-Pay’s official Twitter account where they wrote: “Some time ago, a child was born named GoPay Allfarian CB. Like his name, hopefully GoPay will grow up to be a happy child who spreads #kebahagiaankecil (little bits of happiness) to all those around him.”

The parents however refused to comment on exactly how the deal had come about, but promised to maintain a social media account for their son where everything would be explained.

Pictures of the little boy have already been posted online with many wishing the family luck, although some jokingly commented that the boy could have been named after GoPay’s rivals like Ovo or Dana.

Two years ago a couple in Indonesia named their son Pajero Sport after the Mitsubishi SUV which resulted in the Japanese car firm giving the parents baby products, although not a car.

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Story By: Michael Leidig, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News


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