Muslim Call To Prayer Carried Out At Canary Wharf

This is the moment the Islamic call to prayer rings out across London’s Canary Wharf as the sun sets.

Kazi Shafiqur Rahman, a British Muslim, delivered the rousing call to prayer outside the famous One Canada Square building while dressed in traditional Saudi attire.

The event was organised by Tower Hamlets Council, Tower Hamlets Homes and The Canary Wharf Group as a way to show appreciation to and engage with the Muslim community during the Holy month of Ramadan.

Credit: CEN/@kazi_abidur

The Islamic call to prayer – known as the Adhan – is usually delivered by a special person known as the muezzin.

It is broadcast five times per day from many mosques around the world although it is not often heard in the UK.

London-based entrepreneur Rahman was chosen to carry out the call to prayer because of his beautiful voice.

He told local media that he performed the call to prayer in the style the head muezzin at the Grand Mosque in Mekkah, Saudi Arabia.

Credit: CEN/@kazimsrahman
Kazi Shafiqur Rahman performed the Azan for Iftar at the Canary Wharf London

Rahman says that he was initially nervous about performing the call to prayer.

However, has been bowled over by the positive response he received after the video was shared online.

Speaking about the event he told Arab media: “The most important thing is that the comments were so positive.

“Even non-Muslims were commenting on how beautiful the adhan was. It’s amazing. I feel so privileged when I look back at the event.”

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Story By: Conor Sheils, Sub-EditorMichael Leidig, Agency: Central European News

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