Molenbeek Mayor Says Migrant Rioters Were Celebrating

The mayor of a borough dubbed the ‘jihadist centre of Europe’ has said that the riots and looting by migrants on New Year’s Eve were “just a way of celebrating”.

The bizarre statement was made by Mayor Catherine Moureaux of Molenbeek, one of the municipalities of the Belgian capital Brussels which has been branded “the jihadist centre of Europe” by international media.

In response, the Belgian mayor claims that an organised concert will prevent future problems in the community.

Mayor of Molenbeek Catherine Moureaux in her office

Molenbeek was at the centre of mass riots and looting by migrants on New Year’s Eve and cops were even forced to close an entire tube station due to the dangerous mob lurking outside.

Union representative and firefighter Eric Labourdette said that his colleagues were unable to extinguish several torched cars and rubbish bins in Molenbeek as they could not get the police to guide them in to the dangerous borough and protect them against attackers.

Fire engines that did venture into the notorious area were pelted with stones by migrant mobs.

Labourdette complained that the police are understaffed and not able to keep the streets safe, with de-facto control of some boroughs in the hands of the rioters.

Mayor Moureaux, a member of the Socialist Party (PS), denied that the municipality was unprepared and not enough cops were mobilised.

She said: “Two years ago there were only 46 officers, now there are many more.”

Bizarrely, the socialist mayor said that the riots and looting were just a form of citizens celebrating the new year.

Moureaux said: “First they torched the Christmas trees and then the rubbish bins.

Molenbeek Catherine Moureaux in her office

“I would never do that, but I note that in France, Belgium, Denmark and Germany it is just a way of celebrating.”

The mayor said that a solution to the problems is to organise concerts for rioting youths.

Moureaux said: “If we do not organise a party for our youth, they will hold their own party.”

Firefighter Labourdette blamed the local politicians for turning Molenbeek into a no-go area.

He said: “Let’s get rid of the political correctness which certain authorities impose on us. It is about time we realise that controlling some boroughs has become impossible.”

According to local media, looters and rioters had a field day thanks to the police’s wait-and-see attitude.

Fires raging in Molenbeek during New Year’s Eve

Computer shop owner Hassan Zenague said he was alerted at 1am by the store: “I arrived at 1.30am and everything was completely smashed just 30 minutes later. The police were present but did not intervene.”

Reports said that the notorious area of Brussels, which is predominantly inhabited by Muslims from northern Africa, has harboured terror suspect Salah Abdeslam among others.

Abdeslam is accused of being involved in the deadly Paris terrorist attacks at the Bataclan theatre on 13th November 2015.

Story By: Koen BerghuisSub-EditorJoseph Golder, Agency: Central European News


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