Man Spotted Walking Endangered Tiger Cub On Lead Like A Dog On City Street

This is the moment a man attracts attention while walking an endangered tiger cub on the end of a lead in the street like it is a dog.

The bizarre incident was filmed in the neighbourhood of Junta Auxiliar La Libertad in the city of Puebla in the Mexican state of the same name, and was first reported by local media yesterday, 21st January.

The video shows a man standing against a wall while holding a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) on the end of a lead like a pet dog as it is seen pacing around his feet while several locals try to take a snap.

According to reports, the authorities went to the area after they were notified about the cub’s presence by locals, but were unable to locate the exotic animal or its owner.

Credit: Newsflash

The Federal Attorney of Environment Protection (Profepa) issued a statement saying: “Inspectors from in the area will continue with the necessary investigation to safeguard the integrity of the specimen and the public.”

However, there have been no further updates of the authorities finding the tiger or its owner.

The statement went on to encourage citizens to report any incidents showing signs of animal trafficking or abuse.

The possession of a tiger is permitted in Mexico, but is subject to strict guidelines to ensure the safety of the animal and locals.

The Bengal tiger, a tiger from the population of the Panthera tigris tigris subspecies, is categorised as ‘endangered’ by the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

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Story By: Juan Mayes, Sub-Editor: Joana Mihajlovska, Agency:  Newsflash

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