Happy Dog Walks Into Shipyard With Human Skull In Mouth

Four people accused of murdering a friend and hiding the body in a remote woodland location have been arrested after a dog found the body and ran off with the skull which it carried to a local shipyard in its mouth.

The shocked workers thought at first it was not real but then called police when they realise the truth, and police have now identified the skull as belonging to a man who vanished last year.

The female dog, named Ciko, had actually found the body of Mehmet Ali Koran, who had been missing since 24th December 2019.

It turned up at the shipyard in the neighbourhood of Icmeler in the district of Bodrum in the Turkish province of Mugla with the skull in its mouth at around 1.40am on 17th July.

Credit: Newsflash
The missing person, Mehmet Ali Koran, who the found skull is speculated to be

Supervisor Ali Efe, 49, who was one of those shocked by the horrifying sight, was the one who called the police. Officers then took the human skull to the Mugla Forensic Medicine Institute for tests.

Police search and rescue teams scoured the area with sniffer dogs and drones to find other parts of the victim’s body, and after four days found a shinbone.

Meanwhile, DNA tests on the skull revealed that it belonged to the missing Ali Koran.

The authorities stepped up the investigation to the young man’s disappearance and eventually detained four of the victim’s friends on suspicion of murder.

The suspects have all given a statement and are being held in custody as the investigation continues.

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Story By: Feza Uzay, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency:  Newsflash

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